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  • Zostera marina and Crassostrea gigas as potential partners in a changing ocean
    EELGRASS AND OYSTERS Determining Whether Native Eelgrass and Pacific Oysters Synergistically Enhance Their Environments Researchers assessed whether Zostera marina and Crassostrea gigas are potential partners in a changing ocean. Principal Investigator Carolyn Friedman, Unive...
  • Washington Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Study Workshop 2
    Workshop 2 – Washington Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Study Module 2.1: Ecosystem-Based Management The first module of Workshop 2 is focused on sharing ecosystem-based management case histories with the working group. Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is an ...
  • How can we better prepare for natural hazards on our coasts? Inter-organizational collaboration to assist local efforts may be key
    March 24, 2022 A newly completed project lays the foundation for a team to help Washington’s coastal communities be better prepared for floods, erosion and other coastal hazards Representatives from Washington State Department of Ecology, Washington State Department of Transportation, and Pacific ...
  • Fall 2016
    Fall 2016 Crab Team’s Big Discovery! August 4th, 2016 You might have heard the recent news that Crab Team volunteers captured the first confirmed European green crab in Washington’s inland waters (but if you haven’t, read our blog post)...
  • New Study Aims to Examine Diet of West Coast Pinnipeds
    March 11, 2020 By Bobbie Buzzell, WSG Science Communications Fellow  Sea lions at nearly high tide on an offshore rock. Photo courtesy of Dr. Sophie McCoy, Florida State Univ. Ocean food webs are complex and often difficult to study — but breaking down every connection is important to unders...
  • Multi-species methods to facilitate the transition from heuristics to statistics in an ecosystem based approach to fisheries management
    Models to Improve Groundfish Management Multi-Species Methods to Facilitate the Transition from Heuristics to Statistics in an Ecosystem-Based Approach to Fisheries Management Washington Sea Grant/NOAA Fisheries Fellow is developing and testing frameworks to evaluate how well groundfish fis...
  • CORRECTION: First European Green Crab Confirmed in Port Angeles
    February 5, 2018: CORRECTION Since this report was made, we have determined that the evidence originally submitted of the crab’s identity was not verifiable as a direct observation of the crab. Because European green crab is currently very rare in Washington’s Salish Sea, the majority of...
  • Winter Fishtival
    As the holiday season nears, so does one of Seattle Aquarium’s largest annual special events—Winter Fishtival! Join us for hands-on activities, special talks and opportunities to learn more about the care and feeding of the Aquarium’s fish, birds, tide pool animals and marine mammals. Each...
  • Environmental DNA (Part 2): A Cautionary Carp Tale
    March 3, 2022 This is the second in a series of posts sharing new research on the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) in detection of green crabs. For our introduction to eDNA, check out the previous post. Collaborator Ryan Kelly shows just how easy sample collection is for eDNA assays at a site on Vash...
  • Paralytic shellfish poisoning on the Washington Coast
    September 3, 2024 An update on the recent shellfish poisoning event and the safety protocols in place By Ashleigh Epps, WSG aquaculture specialist The phytoplankton genus Alexadrium, which creates for paralytic shellfish poison In late May 2024, the Pacific coasts of Oregon and Washington experience...
  • CANCELED: First Aid At Sea Course – Bellingham
    It is with an abundance of caution that the director of Washington Sea Grant has decided to cancel this event. Washington Sea Grant does not want to risk anyone’s health and wellness given the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in our state. Current information regarding the University’s communicati...
  • WSG candidate seminar: Dr. Andrea Copping – TO BE RESCHEDULED
    Please join Washington Sea Grant and the UW College of the Environment for the first of four public seminars presented by candidates for the position of Director of Washington Sea Grant. Each candidate will address the questions: “What does success look like for Washington Sea Grant over the next ...
  • To See a World in an Oyster’s Shell
    To See a World in an Oyster’s Shell  WSG Social Scientist Melissa Poe shows how shellfish are central to tribal harvesters’ sense of being and belonging. By Lauren Drakopulos, WSG Science Communications Fellow   Sense of place is something we’ve all experienced, ...
  • Ocean Acidification
    Ocean Acidification The oceans’ absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere is causing fundamental changes in seawater chemistry. CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid, which makes seawater more acidic. This process, known as ocean acidification (or OA) ha...
  • Eastern Washington Marinas Takes Big Steps to Prevent Small Oil Spills in Lakes
    August 17, 2017 Evening at a Lake Chelan marina. Washington Sea Grant expands its clean marina and small oil spill prevention programs on Lake Chelan   Head down to Lake Chelan on a hot summer day, and its vast surface will be speckled with jet skis and motor boats. The locals all know there’s no...
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