Coastal Connections
A WSG Social Science Blog
Creative solutions to social science challenges during a time of COVID-19
Washington Sea Grant (WSG) recently highlighted some of the ways that the coronavirus pandemic is impacting research efforts in Washington state. The impacts are also felt by our social science teams, in particular as many of the activities in a social scientist’s...
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The S4 Project: Steering the future of Northwest environmental social science
Social Science for the Salish Sea project develops priority research questions to guide ecosystem recovery
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An Economic Dashboard for Washington’s Coastal Communities
Creating a Baseline Understanding of Washington Coastal Economies The Washington Marine Spatial Plan was completed in June of 2018. The Plan provides guidance to evaluate potential new uses in the waters off Washington’s coast such as renewable energy, mining, dredged...
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Sustaining the Subsistence Value and Cultural Seafood Practices associated with Commercial Fisheries of the United States West Coast
Every Spring, an active group of applied social scientists gathers for the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) meeting. The SfAA has a mighty cohort of salty researchers ––so mighty that there is now a Fisheries and Coastal Topical Interest Group, voluntarily led...
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Human well-being indicators help decision-makers develop sustainable and equitable solutions for coastal communities and environments, Part I
Understanding human–sea interactions is crucial to developing equitable and sustainable management strategies. In recent years, resource managers and ecosystem scientists have sought to incorporate measures of socioeconomic conditions into their evaluation of coastal...
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Landing at Swinomish: Tribal Canoe Journey and Community Health
Canoe Journey: An Introduction Nearly 120 canoes from tribes and First Nations across the Salish Sea and Pacific Northwest participated in the Power Paddle to Puyallup in this year’s tribal canoe journey hosted by the Puyallup Tribe July 27th through August 4th....
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