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Webinar: Understanding Acidification Risks Across Habitats Through a 10-site Intertidal Network
August 7, 2019 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Join us for our C-CAN Roundtable discussion
Presented by Dr. Micah Horwith, Washington Department of Natural Resources and hosted by Teri King, Washington Sea Grant.
In 2015, the Washington State Department of Natural Resources established the Acidification Nearshore Monitoring Network. This program – ANeMoNe – collects co-located data on water quality, shellfish, and aquatic vegetation at 10 intertidal sites that span greater Puget Sound and the Washington Coast. ANeMoNe is designed to support hypothesis-driven research through replicated field experiments, and to measure the progress of ocean warming and acidification over tidelands. Here, we offer a survey of work from across the network, which has explored 1) the effects of eelgrass on local water chemistry, 2) the potential of eelgrass as a refuge for shellfish, and 3) regional differences in pH and other parameters of water quality. Through persistent monitoring and limited-term experiments, ANeMoNe fosters collaboration between agency and academic scientists, tribes, and community members invested in understanding and planning for rapid environmental change.
Dr. Horwith leads research on climate change and ocean acidification for the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Aquatics Division. He oversees the Acidification Nearshore Monitoring Network. Micah collaborates with University and tribal scientists, non-profit organizations, government agencies and passionate volunteers. He received his Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Washington in 2011.
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After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. Following the presentation there will be a few short informational announcements relevant to the C-CAN community. Please forward this invitation to interested colleagues. We look forward to seeing you at this event! More info on C-CAN and our webinar series can be found here