Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship

The application for the 2025-2027 Hershman Fellowship is now CLOSED

Tentative 2025 Fellowship Timeline:
  • Host Application Opens: TBD
  • Host Applications Due: TBD
  • Fellowship Application Opens in eSeaGrant: TBD
  • Fellowship Applications Due: TBD
  • Interviews and Finalist Selection: TBD
  • Finalist Applications share with participating hosts: TBD
  • Mandatory in-person Matching Workshop: June 17-18, 2025
  • Fellowship matches announced: Week of June 23, 2025
  • New Fellow Orientation: September 11, 2025
  • Fellowship begins: September 16, 2025
  • Fellowship ends: September 15, 2026



The Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship offers a unique educational opportunity for soon-to-graduate or recently finished graduate students engaged in studies pertaining to ocean and coastal policy issues. This one-year, paid marine policy fellowship matches highly motivated, qualified individuals with host agencies, nonprofits or tribes throughout Washington State. The Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship offers students first-hand experiences in crafting marine and natural resource policies and allows them to share their academic expertise with their host offices.

2024 Timeline

  • Early February: Call for Hosts released
  • March 8: Host applications due
  • March 30: Host selection finalized
  • April 8: Fellowship application opens in eSeaGrant
  • May 10: Fellowship applications due
  • May 13-24: Interviews and finalist selection
  • May 28: Finalist applications shared with participating hosts
  • June 17-18: Mandatory In-Person Matching Workshop
  • Week of June 24: Fellowship matches announced
  • September 16: Fellowship begins

2024 Host Offices and Project Descriptions

How To Apply

See the “For Prospective Fellows” tab below for application instructions and to access the eSeaGrant application portal


In 2024 each fellow will receive an award of $68,500, including an untaxed stipend of $65,000 (to cover living costs, health related benefits, and tax related expenses) and a $3,500 professional development budget administered by Washington Sea Grant.

Values Statement

The WSG Hershman Fellowship Program, like all WSG programs, is guided by and strives to align with the WSG values and principles of partnerships and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Partnerships are a cornerstone of the Sea Grant model. WSG cultivates partnerships by valuing and engaging the priorities, expertise, capabilities, and participation of diverse partners.

WSG collaborates with international, federal, tribal, state and local governments; local communities; businesses; people from academia; K-12 schools and nongovernmental organizations on a wide variety of marine-related research, engagement and education projects. Furthermore, WSG maintains a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, by pursuing diverse perspectives, and enhancing cultural understanding.

WSG works to create equitable access to resources and opportunities for Washington’s diverse communities and seeks to incorporate their voices and priorities. WSG’s values are informed by environmental justice and are based in a culture of inclusion, respect, long-term engagement and accountability. This commitment shapes our organization and its investments, practices and social interactions including the administration of this fellowship program.

2023 Host Offices and Project Descriptions

Application Information for Hosts and Fellows

Instructions on how to apply to participate as a WSG Hershman Fellowship Host office or apply to be a Fellow.

Host Office Application Information

The WSG Hershman Fellowship program welcomes participation by state, tribal and federal agencies and nonprofit organizations based in Washington State. Host offices with programs that address coastal or marine issues through natural and social science research, local and traditional knowledge, policy, management, environmental justice, and/or equity-centered work are encouraged to participate. Interested host offices are invited to submit an application to WSG.

WSG Hershman Fellows are teamed with mentors in a host office for one year, working on ocean and coastal science and management issues. Prospective hosts are expected to supervise and provide opportunities for fellows to be involved in substantive issues that support their professional and educational goals. The experience provides fellows with a unique perspective on creating marine policy and allows them to share their academic expertise with their host offices. Fellows are expected to work full-time, on site and with other staff or leadership, as appropriate.

Host application must include the following elements: 

    1. Host Organization Information:  Provide your organizations the name and address (where fellow’s office space would be located)
    2. Mentor and co-mentor Information: Provide the name, title, and contact information for the individual who would serve as the fellow’s primary mentor and supervisor. This individual will take the lead on fellow onboarding, supervision of work, and will provide essential fellowship related mentorship (coaching, professional development. Additionally, provide the name, title and contact information for any other key fellowship co-mentors. 
    3. Project Title: Provide a brief and descriptive fellowship project title (10 words max)
    4. Project description (two pages max): 
      • Project overview including any specific tasks, timelines, partners or major project components. Projects should be specific however, it is ok to include descriptions of more than one potential project if applicable*. For all projects we encourage you to build in some amount of flexibility to align project activities with your fellow’s individual skills and interests. *Please note that some former fellows have felt that their host organization provided too many options/possibilities and a lack of clear direction or well defined project goals presented challenges. 
      • Mentorship, Professional Development and Networking: Describe the key mentorship, professional development, and networking opportunities that will be available to the fellow through your organization or external partners
    5. Organizational Values: Describe how your organization, program, or department works to create a welcoming environment for all and what practices you put in place to broaden participation in marine and coastal professions by individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.
    6. Level of financial support: How much of the cost of hosting a fellow will your organization be able to provide? Hosts are required to provide at least $65,000 of the $75,000 total cost of the 12-month fellowship (stipend, benefits stipend, tax stipend, professional development funds and WSG program support)*. Details below.
    7. Onboarding and Workplace considerations
      • Where will the fellow be working (in office, remote, hybrid)?
      • Please confirm that a workspace and equipment (laptop, software, etc.) will be made available for the fellow’s use.
      • Travel and Transportation: Describe the types of travel the fellow will need to participate in (site visits, field world, off sites, etc.) including (1) whether the fellow will need access to a personal vehicle (2) whether agency motor pool vehicles will be available for the fellow’s use, and (3) whether the fellow will need any specific licensing or certification to operate special vehicles or machinery. 
      • Briefly describe any onboarding or training that will be provided to the fellow.
      • Briefly describe how the fellow will receive performance feedback.
      • Please indicate whether the fellow will require any additional background checks or security clearances and whether these may affect a fellow’s ability to start work on time.

Please review the Fellowship Handbook before submitting your host application. While the main audience of the handbook is fellows, it’s helpful for prospective hosts to be familiar with the expectations and policies conveyed there.

Please submit host applications to sgfellow@uw.edu .

Acceptance of a host application will be based on the following criteria:

  • The perceived quality of the fellowship project and mentorship opportunity.
  • The level of educational and professional development benefit for the fellow.
  • Alignment of project with WSG goals and values including:
    • promotion of science-based solutions to marine and coastal issues;
    • partnerships that value and engage the priorities, expertise, capabilities, and participation of diverse partners;
    • culture of inclusion, accessibility, respect, long-term engagement and accountability;
    • perceived existence of inclusive work space environments that promote cultural competency and is welcoming to demographically diverse individuals.
  • The level of financial commitment.

Review the timeline at the top of this webpage for key dates.

*see exception for first time hosts

Fellow Selection

Each year, WSG selects up to six WSG Hershman Fellows (depending on size of candidate pool and number of host offerings). Fellowship applications will be submitted to WSG, and a review panel will be convened to recommend finalists based on an evaluation of academic and professional background, career and education goals, community and extracurricular activities, potential impact of the fellowship on future success, as well as personal characteristics such as initiative, leadership, adaptability, communication and analytical skills.

WSG plans to hold a mandatory matching workshop in Seattle in mid-June, that will serve as the basis for placement of fellows in host offices. During the two-day workshop, hosts and finalists will participate in interviews and presentations. Final host placement assignments will be based on ranking of preferences by both the hosts and selected finalists with possible subsequent discussion as necessary.

The length of a fellowship assignment is 12 months and is not renewable. WSG will administer monthly stipend payments and will manage a discretionary professional development and fellowship related travel budget for each fellow. Once selected, hosts will need to work with Washington Sea Grant to put in place an interagency agreement (i.e. a funding contract) for each fellowship award prior to the start of fellowships in September. The fellowship contracts will begin on September 1. Fellows may not start work until the contract is in place.

Fellowship Expenses: “How much does it cost to host a fellow?”

The total cost of the fellowship is $75,000 and host offices are encouraged to cover the full cost of the fellowship whenever possible. At a minimum each host office is required to contribute $65,000 of the fellowship award (covers the fellow’s base, benefits, and tax stipends)*

Costs for hosting a WSG Hershman Fellow are as follows:

Total Cost of Fellowship $75,000:

  • $65,000 base stipend
  • $3,500 professional development budget 
  • $6,500 Sea Grant program support

Host Cost Share: $65,000 – $75,000

*First-Time Host Incentive

WSG offers a first-time host incentive option. The goal of this incentive option is to allow new fellowship hosts from diverse sectors to join the fellowship program with a lower financial commitment. Under the first-time host incentive option, first-time hosts will be expected to pay at least:

  • $45,000 in year 1 ($30K discount) 
  • $55,000 in year 2 ($20K discount) 
  • $65,000 in year 3 and beyond ($10K discount)

We hope that this reduced cost option will allow first-time hosts the chance to build a case for additional funding based on the high caliber and proven success of the fellows. Participation in the host office incentive program is not guaranteed and is contingent upon funding availability.

Contact Information

For more information or if you have questions about becoming a fellowship host, please contact the WSG Fellowships Team at sgfellow@uw.edu

Prospective Fellow Information


  • The WSG Hershman Fellowship currently is open to graduate students who have recently graduated (within the past two years) from Washington universities and those who will graduate before the fellowship begins. 
  • Applicants should be pursuing or have a degree in a marine-related field, including policy, law, social sciences, oceanography, and fishery sciences and marine related technical degrees. Applicants should demonstrate a strong interest and/or some experience in marine science and public policy.
  • DACA students are eligible to apply.
  • Black, indigenous and other people of color (BIPOC) as well as representatives of the LGBTQ+ community, and allies are encouraged to apply for this opportunity.

Application Requirements 

Applications are submitted via the eSeaGrant online submission portal.

  1. Resume or curriculum vitae (not to exceed two pages; 12 pt. font)
  2. Statement of the applicant’s goals with emphasis on interest in, contribution to, and expectations from the fellowship (1,000 words or less; 12 pt. font)
  3. Two letters of recommendation, including one from the applicant’s major professor. If no major professor exists, the faculty member who is most familiar with the applicant’s academic work may be substituted
  4. Unofficial copies of all undergraduate and graduate student transcripts

See below for how to apply.

Finalist Selection

Finalists will be interviewed and selected by the Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship Review Panel. All candidates will be notified in early June regarding the outcome of the panel’s selection process. Finalist are required to attend a two-day, in-person Matching Workshop in Seattle in mid June (finalists traveling from further than 50 miles away in Washington state can request reimbursement for mileage and one night of lodging in Seattle). More finalists are selected than there are host office positions, therefore not all finalists will match as fellows. 

Selection Criteria

Finalists are selected based on the following criteria:

  1. Applicability of academic and professional background to the fellowship
  2. Relevance of professional and education goals
  3. Potential impact of the fellowship on future success, as well as personal characteristics such as initiative, leadership, adaptability, communication and analytical skills
  4. Support from two letters of recommendation

While required to confirm eligibility, details of student transcripts are not factored into the selection process.

WSG maintains a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, by pursuing diverse perspectives, and enhancing cultural understanding. WSG works to create equitable access to resources and opportunities for Washington’s diverse communities and seeks to incorporate their voices and priorities. WSG’s values are informed by environmental justice and are based in a culture of inclusion, respect, long-term engagement and accountability. Individuals that are historically underrepresented in marine science and policy work are encouraged to apply for this opportunity.

Placement of Fellows

A mandatory, in-person workshop to match host offices with fellows will take place in Seattle, WA in mid June. The workshop includes an orientation, host office presentations, finalist presentations, interviews and fellow matching. There will be more finalists than host office positions, therefore not all finalists will match as fellows. 

How to Apply

Washington Sea Grant will be accepting all fellowship applications through our online submission portal, eSeaGrant. eSeaGrant will open to applicants in early April. If you are new to eSeaGrant please give yourself plenty of time to complete your application and contact our office if you have questions.

Go To eSeaGrant

For further information please contact:

E-mail: sgfellow@uw.edu

Past Fellowship Position Descriptions

Read position descriptions from previous Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship placements here.