Protect Our Salmon

Here are some easy changes you can make in your daily life to help protect salmon from the effects of habitat loss and pollution. Start with one change or tackle them all!

Water conservation helps protect stream flows and water quality.

  • Fix leaky faucets, toilets and hoses.
  • Clean downspouts and gutters by hand instead of using a hose.
  • If you’re due to replace appliances, use ultra-low-flush toilets or tumble-action clothes washers.
  • Instead of using a hose, sweep sidewalks and driveways and compost sweepings or put them in the garbage.

Stormwater runoff from roadways, driveways and other hard surfaces can pollute and alter stream habitats.

  • Disconnect downspouts that run stormwater to streets and streams.
  • Build a rain garden or catching water with rain barrels or a cistern.
  • Use automatic car washes or wash your car on grass.
  • Maintain vehicles to eliminate leaks.
  • Ask for alternatives to copper brake pads and lead tire weights.
  • Take oil or other toxic substances to safe disposal and recycling facilities.
  • Use sand, kitty litter or other absorbent materials to cover small oil or chemical spills, then collect and properly dispose of these materials.
  • Visit the Kitsap Surface and Stormwater Program’s tips ( for even more ways to help

Yard and Home Care

  • Pick up pet waste and put it in the garbage.
  • Maintain your septic system.
  • Control invasive weeds and consider native alternatives in landscaping.
  • Remove weeds manually.
  • If you use fertilizers and pesticides, follow directions and use sparingly