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Kingston Ferry Beach

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25864 Washington Bouldevard Northeast
Kingston, WA 98346 United States

July 2016

Summer Beach Explorations: Kingston Ferry Beach

July 30, 2016 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Kingston Ferry Beach, 25864 Washington Bouldevard Northeast
Kingston, WA 98346 United States

Join Kitsap Beach Naturalists to explore the wonders of the rich and colorful sea life exposed during low tide. Beach explorations are open to the public, and naturalists will be on hand to share resources and knowledge with you. Tell your family and friends, and we will see you at the beach! Beach Walks are supported by Washington Sea Grant and coordinated by WSG Marine Ecologist Jeff Adams and others. For more information please contact Renee Johnson 360-337-7224 or rkjohnso@co.kitsap.wa.us

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August 2017

Summer Beach Explorations: Kingston Ferry Beach

August 19, 2017 @ 8:30 am - 10:30 pm
Kingston Ferry Beach, 25864 Washington Bouldevard Northeast
Kingston, WA 98346 United States
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Join Kitsap Beach Naturalists to explore the wonders of the rich and colorful sea life exposed during low tide. Beach explorations are open to the public, and naturalists will be on hand to share resources and knowledge with you. Tell your family and friends, and we will see you at the beach! Beach Walks are supported by Washington Sea Grant and coordinated by WSG Marine Ecologist Jeff Adams and others.

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