March 2016
Panel: Fishing for Food, the Role of Fisheries in Local, Regional, and National Food Systems
WSG's Social Science Specialist Melissa Poe will lead a two-part panel at the 2016 annual meeting for the Society for Applied Anthropology in Vancouver, BC. The social science panel that she is chairing will focus on the social and policy dimensions of fisheries management for food systems in North America. Topics include food security, cultural practices, community-supported fisheries, and alternative management strategies.
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Panel: Climate Change and Culturally-Important Foods, Resources and Places in the Salish Ecosystem
WSG's Social Scientist Melissa Poe will lead a panel at the 2016 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference discussing anticipated impacts from climate-related changes to the foods, ecosystems and places important to coastal indigenous communities. Climate-related changes such as sea level rise, warming temperatures, ocean acidification, shifting fire regimes, and species migrations are impacting the composition and access to natural resources. Many of these changes affect our foods: the plants and animals essential for cultural, health, and economic well-being. Spanning the Canadian…
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