
Fisherman First Aid and Safety Training (FFAST) | Westport, WA

Fisherman First Aid and Safety Training (FFAST)

The Fishermen First Aid and Safety Training (FFAST) course is a two-day intensive first aid course. It was built to help commercial fishermen prevent and treat injuries they are likely to encounter at sea.

The FFAST course provides essential first aid training and meets the stringent requirements of the U.S. Coast Guard for onboard first aid training. It is a valuable complement to the U.S. Coast Guard-required “Drill Conductor Course,” where fishermen learn how to conduct safety drills regularly to prepare the crew for emergencies.

The FFAST course, spanning 16 hours and including basic CPR, is specifically designed to address the unique challenges faced by Pacific Northwest fishermen. It takes into account the small crews, common injuries, vessel environments, cold water, rough seas, and delayed emergency response times typical to Pacific Northwest fisheries.

The course will cover the following topics:This two-day advanced first aid class for commercial fishermen. Successful completion of this course will fulfill the Coast Guard requirements for CPR and AED Basic first aid.

Due to limited space preregistration is required. Note: preference will be given to commercial fishermen.

Pre-registration is required. 

For more details, including scholarship information, contact Robert Maw, rmaw@uw.edu.

Register Here


Upcoming Workshops:

The two day course will take place from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. with a break of 45 min for lunch.

Workshop fee: $150

To sign up for a workshop, contact Robert Maw, Washington Sea Grant fisheries specialist: rmaw@uw.edu or (775) 721-3376.

Sign up to get notices of future workshops here: https://bit.ly/wsg-email-lists (select “marine workshops”).