Outreach, Marine and Coastal Planning

Marine Spatial Planning for Washington’s Pacific Coast

Bridget Trosin, Coastal Policy Specialist; Kevin Decker, Coastal Economist; Melissa Poe, Social Scientist

Increased activities in marine waters create potential conflict and competition between uses, from shipping and fisheries to sediment management and renewable energy development. Marine spatial plans (MSPs) grounded in strong public participation and science-based decision making can be important tools for balancing these interests, preserving existing sustainable uses and maintaining ocean health. WSG is part of the state team charged by the Washington Legislature with developing an MSP for Washington’s Pacific coast.

WSG’s role is to help coastal communities understand marine spatial planning and facilitate information sharing between state planners, federal partners, tribes, local marine resource committees and other stakeholders. Staff conduct public outreach, facilitate planning meetings and workshops and coordinate the project’s independent scientific review.