Search Results for "Australia Online Pharmacy ⭐ ⭐ Cialis Mg Australia - Cialis Order Australia"

  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • Optimizing Bayesian Analysis in Data-Rich Stock Assessments and Management Resources in Data-Limited Fisheries
    MODELING FOR DATA-LIMITED FISHERIES Optimizing Bayesian Analysis in Data-Rich Stock Assessments and Management Resources in Data-Limited Fisheries Washington Sea Grant-supported fellow investigates common fishery stock-assessment methods that may bias managers’ fishery catch decisions. ...
  • Using an Acoustic Camera to Observe How Fish Respond to Seawall Habitat Enhancements, Phase 2
    FILMING SALMON AT THE SEATTLE SEAWALL Using an Acoustic Camera to Observe How Fish Respond to Seawall Habitat Enhancements, Phase 2 In collaboration with the City of Seattle, investigators utilized a habitat-friendly design for documenting activity around the downtown seawall, showing the w...
  • Washington Coastal Resilience Project 2016-2018
    Washington Coastal Resilience Project Improving risk communication and leveraging existing programs in Washington State to build capacity and enhance resilience in coastal communities The Washington Coastal Resilience Project was a 3-year effort to rapidly increase the state’s capacit...
  • CANCELED: 27th Conference for Shellfish Growers
      It is with an abundance of caution that the director of Washington Sea Grant has decided to cancel the Conference for Shellfish Growers scheduled for March 9 and 10, 2020, in order not to risk anyone’s health and wellness given the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in our state. As a program...
  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • WSG and WDFW Expand Green Crab Trapping on the Washington Coast
    August 30, 2020 In 2016, when invasive European green crabs were first found on San Juan Island, media coverage left a lot of folks on Washington’s coast scratching their heads. Why the sudden concern? After all, green crabs were first detected in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor several decades ago, ...
  • Crabber/Towboat Lane Agreement
    Crabber/Towboat Lane Agreement Meetings are held twice per year on the 2nd Friday in November and March in Astoria, OR. Notice: Towlanes were updated on November 1, 2019. If you are using maps prior to that date you will need to download the most recent version. Subscribe to the Crabber/To...
  • WSG in the News 2020
    Washington Sea Grant in the News December 2020 What causes king tides and where to see otters in the wild in Washington The Seattle Times, December 10 Witness King Tides and help build a picture of the future The Wahkiakum County Eagle, December 10 Head outdoors this holiday season to witness k...
  • The Mountain-Moving “Mosquito” of Ocean Acidification
    The Mountain-Moving “Mosquito” of Ocean Acidification Washington Sea Grant’s Meg Chadsey proves the power of one to mobilize action on a very big issue. The Journal of Irreproducible Results once published a paper calculating how quickly the Pacific and Atlantic coasts ...
  • Reimagining Our Future Shorelines
    From the winter 2020–2021 Sea Star print newsletter The Washington Coastal Resilience Project will continue to help communities prepare for shoreline hazards for years to come   By MaryAnn Wagner, WSG Assistant Director for Communications Owen Beach, located in Point Defiance Park, is a popular a...
  • National Invasive Species Awareness Week
    National Invasive Species Awareness Week is a nationwide event occurring in the spring to raise awareness of the threat of invasive species are and what people can do to prevent their spread. Representatives from local, state, and regional organizations gather in Washington, D.C. in late February to...
  • Building Citizen Science with Volunteers as Partners: Part 3
    The field of citizen science has grown explosively over the last decade, benefitting from excellent PR, Presidential shout-outs, advances in big data, and, not least, a Web 2.0 world replete with hashtags, networks, and crowdsourcing. It turns out people love doing science in their spare time! The h...
  • Commercial Fisheries Marketing Initiative
    The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and WSG are partnering with commercial fishermen to increase awareness of Washington State’s sustainably harvested seafood products, which has become particularly critical in the face of the current COVID-19 outbreak. This initiative a...
  • Cruisin’ the Fossil Coastline: Ray Troll Exhibit Opening
    The Burke Museum will host a live virtual celebration of Ray Troll’s Cruisin’ the Fossil Coastline exhibit on December 4, and we want you to be there. This online event will include a peek into the gallery, a presentation with artist Ray Troll and Kirk Johnson, Sant Director of the Smi...
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