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WDFW, Washington Sea Grant promote #LocalWASeafood
June 25, 2020
Contact: Eryn Couch, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 360-890-6604 MaryAnn Wagner, Washington Sea Grant
Celebrate June 28 Ceviche Day with Local Washington Seafood
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Sea Grant...
2019 Volume 1
2019 Volume 1
The “Team” in Crab Team
June 3, 2019
It’s difficult to believe, but Washington Sea Grant Crab Team has officially launched our fifth year of monitoring. It’s easy for us to reflect on the number of green crab, monitoring...
European Green Crab
Invasive European Green Crab
The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) is a small shore crab whose native distribution is in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea, ranging along coasts from northern Africa to Norway and Iceland. The crab is an effective predator, adept at opening biva...
Invasive Green Crab Found at Dungeness Spit
April 26, 2017
MaryAnn Wagner, Washington Sea Grant, 206-616-6353,
Allen Pleus, Aquatic Invasive Species Unit Lead, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, 360-902-2724,
Lorenz Sollmann, Deputy Project Leader, U.S. Fish &...
Rising Trend of Local Consumers Connect to Washington Seafood
October 2, 2020
Governor Jay Inslee proclaims October Seafood Month OLYMPIA / SEATTLE – Consumers have long had access to local Washington seafood through their favorite grocer or farmers’ market, but this October the state is celebrating Seafood Month by recognizing the growing trend to ...
Who brings your seafood to you? An interview with Dawn Ruquet of Taylor Shellfish Farms
September 6, 2023
A story of community, connection and, of course, oysters
By Katalin Plummer, WSG Science Communications Fellow
When I first sat down with Dawn Ruquet in the Taylor Shellfish restaurant located in Pioneer Square, Seattle, she assured me that her story was ordinary, nothing to write ...
Seafood Month Highlight: Underwater Cameras Capture the Value of Shellfish Habitat
October 18, 2018
Seafood Month provides an opportunity to highlight innovative programs. In the story below from NOAA Fisheries, learn about how Washington Sea Grant and partners are using unerwater GoPro cameras to document shellfish aquaculture beds. This collaborative project with ...
Marine Weather Workshop in Port Angeles
Learn to read the weather before you head out on the water.
Washington Sea Grant and the Port Angeles Yacht Club are co-sponsoring a Marine Weather Workshop in Port Angeles.
Topics to be covered include:
Atmospheric Pressure and wind
Coastal Winds
Daily Briefing
Getting Current Weather
Global W...
Spring 2017
Spring 2017
Crab Team Forges Ahead!
May 2nd, 2017
Traps are officially in the mud and 2017 sampling started with a bang. The captures of European green crab at Westcott Bay and Padilla Bay last year inspired tremendous support from many different stakeh...
Marine Weather Workshop Port Angeles November 2022
October 12, 2022
CONTACT: Sarah Fisken, Washington Sea Grant: or 206-543-1225
Marine Weather Workshop in Port Angeles
Learn to read the weather before you head out on the water
Washington Sea Grant and the Port Angeles Yacht Club are co-sponsoring a Marine W...
New Date: Marine Weather Workshop in Gig Harbor
Learn to read the weather before you head out on the water.
Washington Sea Grant and the Gig Harbor BoatShop are co-sponsoring a Marine Weather Workshop in Gig Harbor.
Topics to be covered include:
Atmospheric Pressure and Wind
Coastal Winds
Daily Briefing
Getting Current Weather
Global Winds
Marine Weather Workshop in Gig Harbor
April 7, 2023
Contact: Sarah Fisken: (360) 710-8989,
Marine Weather Workshop
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Gig Harbor, WA
Learn to read the weather before you head out on the water
Washington Sea Grant and the Gig Harbor BoatShop are co-sponsoring a Marine Weather Wo...
DOH shellfish programs update in response to “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” Order
Message from the Washington State Department of Health: Shellfish Programs Update in Response to the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” Order
This message was sent to shellfish industry members on 3/24/20
We have received some inquiries about the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay H...
Whidbey Island Birding Field Trip
Join Seattle Audubon for a birding excursion on Whidbey Island! Whidbey Island is an excellent birding spot any time of the year. We will work our way up island looking for waterbirds (ducks, grebes, loons, alcids), raptors, and passerines. Come prepared for almost any weather, waterproof footwear, ...