

Transportation is not provided or funded.  Each school must make their own transportation arrangements to the event.


At least 2 chaperones per 10 students are required. Chaperones are responsible for keeping students focused on the topic being presented at each station.


Each teacher will receive a packet of curriculum for use in the classroom in advance of the event to enhance student’s experience at Kids’ Day.

Name Tags

Each school will receive a packet with name-tag templates, school color assignment and instructions. Please have every student wear a name tag to the event.


No food will be available for purchase at Kids’ Day—students should bring sack lunches if eating at the event. Students, teachers and chaperones will be able to eat their sack lunches at either the shucking area (grass with bandstand seating) or in a tent if it rains. Garbage cans will be available for all lunch trash. Please do not leave any litter behind!

What to Expect: Rotation Schedule, Station Activities and Goodie Bags

Students will spend 12 minutes at 10 different stations. Tour guides will lead each group from station to station according to the schedule. Please let us know in advance if you will arrive late or need to leave early. Station topics may include an active recycling game, an overview of watersheds and possible pollution sources, a visit inside an aid car, electrical safety, boating safety, the ever-popular touch tanks and “Germ City,” and more. Each school will receive “goodie bags” for every student attending, which will be filled with items donated by the agencies, businesses or groups presenting an activity. The bags will be delivered to your buses while you tour the stations.

Dropping Off and Picking Up Students

Bus drivers must drop students off at the main gate. Volunteer tour guides will meet students at the gate; they will be holding signs that correspond to the color and animals on student nametags. Have students cluster around the tour guide with the same school color and animal as each student’s name tag.