

“An Effort Also to be Made to Introduce Japanese Oysters on the Pacific Coast, as They Are More Congenial to the Cold Waters.
Special Dispatch to the Post-Intelligencer WASHINGTON, June 26. 
Representative Jones has been for some time working on Fish Commissioner Bowers regarding the introduction of lobsters and Japanese oysters into the waters of Washington, and directly after the passage of the bill providing for an appropriation of $1500 for an investigation of the coasts of Washington and Oregon, with a view to the establishment of a marine biological and experiment station at some suitable point, he again brought these matters to the commissioner’s attention….
In regard to the experiment of planting Japanese oysters on the coast of Washington, strongly urged by Mr Jones at the Instance of interested parties in Washington, the commissioner said that the idea of this experiment originated with the commission, and that several planters on Willapa Bay had been advised that it would be worth their while to obtain small shipments of the hardy Japanese species, which might perhaps be better adapted for the cold water of the Washington coast than is the oyster of the Atlantic seaboard. It is understood that these gentlemen have already been in correspondence with the Japanese authorities and with the United States consul at Yokohama with a view to obtaining a cargo of oysters from Akishl bay on the northern coast of Japan. Nothing further, however, has been heard of it by the department.”

The Seattle Post-intelligencer, Volume XXXVIII, Number 42, 27 June 1900