Search Results for "Australia Online Pharmacy ⭐ ⭐ Cialis Generic Australia - Cialis 10mg Cost Australia"

  • WWU Huxley Speaker Series
    This quarter the Huxley Speaker Series will be entirely online (see SCHEDULE) Presentations will be held on Thursdays at 4:30 via Zoom. Most presentations will also be live-streamed to YouTube and recordings of most presentations will be made available online afterwards. All of these options a...
  • Sea School
    WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Sea School An initiative to provide vocational training for maritime careers. Principal Investigator Brandi Bednarik, Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Co-Principal Investigators Caitlin Stanton, Operations Director, Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Hali Boyd, Social ...
  • Ocean Life Symposium
    Join KGUA public radio for their 4-day long 2nd Annual Ocean Life Symposium. This free event will be held online via Zoom and simulcast on KGUA’s other streaming platforms everyday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Topics relating to the status of our oceans and the life forms that inhabit it will be pre...
  • Ocean Acidification Outreach, Presentations, Webinars
    Meg Chadsey, Ocean Acidification Specialist WSG has responded to the governor’s Washington State Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Acidification by offering print and online outreach materials on acidification, conducting frequent public presentations, and working with NOAA to produce monthly webinars...
  • Plenty of Plankton: Junior Ecologists
    Join Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in the monthly online class for kids, Junior Ecologists. This month is focused on plankton. They’re tiny but powerful! Peer through our microscope and learn about the plankton of Padilla Bay in this online class. Register here for the link t...
  • Fisheries and Seafood
    Fisheries and Seafood Fishing and seafood have been part of the culture and commerce of Washington state for centuries. Washington’s traditions, expertise, resources, and location give it a pivotal place in the seafood economy of the entire Pacific Coast, from California to Alaska. Today,...
  • Environmental Threats Outreach
    Environmental Threats Ocean Acidification Outreach, Presentations, Webinars Meg Chadsey, Ocean Acidification Specialist Hey teachers, watch our kid-friendly eelgrass video! WSG has responded to the governor’s Washington State Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Acid...
  • “What We Love To Do”: NOAA Science Camp Creatively Immerses Kids in Marine Science
    From the Autumn 2022 Sea Star  In the third consecutive summer of pandemic-related closures, NOAA Science Camp brought new programming to the beach during an extreme low tide By Ashli Blow, WSG Science Communications Specialist When Puget Sound receded during an extreme low tide in June, Maile Sull...
  • Make Whale for Change: New Rules for Whale Watching in the Salish Sea
    From the Autumn 2022 Sea Star New research finds that rules to protect endangered southern resident killer whales could mean less demand for commercial whale watching — but tour operators have options for making up the difference Maddie Hansen, WSG Science Communications Fellow The Salish Sea is a...
  • Sea Safety and Survival Training in Westport
    Learn emergency drills for commercial fishing vessels Washington Sea Grant is sponsoring a one-day Sea Safety & Survival (Drill Instructor) Course for commercial fishermen and charter boat operators. This Coast Guard approved workshop meets the training requirements of the Commercial Fishing Saf...
  • Budget News from Washington D.C.
    March 18, 2019 Update on Sea Grant Funding for Fiscal Year 2020 from the WSG Director Dear Friends, With vocal support from our many stakeholders, the National Sea Grant College Program was reinstated in the federal budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019. The Consolidated Appropriations Act for 2019 was ...
  • Evidence of Invasive European Green Crab Found at Two New Sites
    July 9, 2018 Washington Sea Grant’s Crab Team and Washington State’s Department of Natural Resources report evidence of the invasive European green crab at two new sites in the Salish Sea: Fidalgo Bay and Dungeness Landing, near Dungeness Spit. A green crab shell was found at Fidalgo B...
  • A New Symposium to Work Towards Equity and Justice in Environmental Fields
    August 22, 2019 The Salish Sea Equity and Justice Symposium, to be held November 14-15, 2019, aims to center historically marginalized and underrepresented voices while creating space for ongoing dialogues. Addressing inequity and working toward environmental justice is essential to a successful en...
  • New guide from the Washington Coastal Resilience Project helps coastal planners use the latest sea level rise data
    July 9, 2020  IN BRIEF: The Washington Coastal Resilience Project team – a collaboration between the state’s Department of Ecology, the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group and Washington Sea Grant – are releasing How to Choose, a guide to support the use of available sea level ris...
  • Olympic OA Regional Vulnerability Assessment
    The Olympic Coast as a Sentinel – Tribal Communities at the Forefront of Ocean Change Indigenous people have depended on Olympic Coast marine species for their livelihoods, food security and cultural practices for thousands of years. Today, these species—and the triba...
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