Search Results for "Australia Online Pharmacy ⭐ ⭐ Cialis Generic Australia - Cialis 10mg Cost Australia"

  • Test Your Well Water with Well Education & Testing (WET)
    Well Education & Testing (WET) invites you to take a look at the health of your well! Learn about keeping your drinking water safe. WET, a Washington Sea Grant program, provides homeowners with a local, inexpensive way to test their well water. Washington State Department of Health recommends an...
  • What is the State of Your Oyster?
    Are your oysters healthy? WSG volunteers provide landowners evaluations of bacterial contamination for privately owned beaches in Hood Canal and throughout Puget Sound at these locations: Hunter Farms 1921 E. State Route 106, Union, WA QFC parking lot, under flag pole – pharmacy side – ...
  • Current and Recent Fellows
    Current and Recent Fellows The following biographies of current and recent fellows provide examples of the breadth and scope of opportunities and experiences offered by WSG, National Sea Grant, and Coastal Management fellowships. Jump to: Washington Sea Grant Keystone Fellow...
  • Fall 2016
    Fall 2016 Crab Team’s Big Discovery! August 4th, 2016 You might have heard the recent news that Crab Team volunteers captured the first confirmed European green crab in Washington’s inland waters (but if you haven’t, read our blog post)...
  • Invasive Green Crab Found at Dungeness Spit
    April, 2017 A new population of invasive European green crab has been found at Dungeness Spit, near Sequim, Washington, rekindling concern over the potential for damage to local marine life and shorelines. Staff and volunteers from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), which manages Dungeness...
  • Invasive Green Crab Found at Dungeness Spit
    (Photo: European Green Crab found at Dungeness Spit, Sequim, April 2017. Photo by Allen Pleus, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife)     April 26, 2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sequim, WA — A new population of invasive European green crab has been found at Dungeness Spit, near Sequim, ...
  • Advisory Committee
    Advisory Committee The WSG Advisory Committee provides general program oversight, direction, and advice. The Committee was first established in August 2006 with stakeholders and federal and state partners. The Committee was restructured in 2022 to better reflect the diverse ...
  • History on the Half Shell at the MOHAI
    Enjoy the view of the boats along Lake Union while learning a bit of Pacific Northwest culinary seafood history. Razor Clams: Buried Treasure of the Pacific Northwest, author David Berger and Heaven on the Half Shell author David Gordon will read; concluding with a moderated conversation with cookbo...
  • Well Education and Testing
    WET invites you to take a look at the health of your well and learn about keeping your drinking water safe. Washington State Department of Health recommends annual testing of individual wells for fecal coliform bacteria; testing your water is the best solution to identify possible contamination. WET...
  • CANCELLED: Protection Island Sunset Birding Cruise
    Join naturalist/birder George Gerdts for an exciting sunset cruise to Protection Island, a 400 acre National Wildlife Refuge off of Discovery Bay. Over 70% of the marine birds which nest in Puget Sound make Protection Island their breeding ground. Tufted Puffins and marine mammals are usually seen. ...
  • New Harmful Algal Bloom Research and Monitoring Initiative will Focus on Recently-Identified Culprits Behind Shellfish Mortality Events
    October 27, 2021 With funding from the NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, researchers from Washington Sea Grant, the Northwest Indian College and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife will study shellfish-killing toxins Over the last few decades, shellfish farms and natural shell...
  • Habitat Stewards Training
    The National Wildlife Federation is hosting a Habitat Stewards Training that starts at the end of June in Kitsap County. Individuals will learn how to protect, restore and create areas for wildlife in their backyard, community and the greater Puget Sound area. A field trip is on June 25 from 10-2pm...
  • Green Shores Program
    Nicole Faghin, Coastal Management Specialist Each year Washington loses more of its natural shorelines to development and erosion-control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls and riprap. WSG is a partner in the development of Green Shores for Homes. Patterned after the U.S. Green Building Council...
  • 2021 Volume 1
    2021 Volume 1 Let the trapping begin! June, 2021 This spring had a lot of us reflecting on what our lives were like a year ago. In June 2020, crabbers were in the mud, just as they are now, but how they got there in 2021 looked a lot different. While green c...
  • CANCELLED: Bainbridge Island Birding Field Trip
    Join naturalist George Gerdts aboard the “Admiral Pete” as he narrates a fascinating wildlife tour around Bainbridge Island. Expect to see an array of sea ducks, cormorants, alcids, rocky-shore sandpipers, Bald Eagles, marine mammals, and perhaps some early-spring migrants, not to leave ...
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