Search Results for " 🍁 1 Topical Ivermectin 💜 💜 Ivermectin Pubchem 🔷 Can Ivermectin Be Used On Dogs : Strongyloides Ivermectin Muscle .5 Mg/kg"

  • Planning for Sustainable Shellfish Aquaculture in Complex Multiple Use Environments: Determining Social and Ecological Carrying Capacity for South Puget Sound, Washington
    Shellfish growing capacity in S. Puget Sound Planning for Sustainable Shellfish Aquaculture in Complex Multiple Use Environments: Determining Social and Ecological Carrying Capacity for South Puget Sound, Washington Researchers investigated the physical conditions and coastal-community view...
  • How Fishing at Night Can Help Save West Coast Albatross SS
    How Fishing at Night Can Help Save West Coast Albatross Longline fishing, in which long lines with baited hooks are attached at intervals behind a boat, is a common technique used to catch many high-value species including halibut, tuna and sablefish. However, those fish are sometimes caugh...
  • Washington Boat Sales Data Archive
    Washington Boat Sales Data Archive Because of comparability issues between Dept. of Licensing data prior to and post DRIVES roll-out in late 2016, boat sales reports created before first quarter 2017 have been moved to this archive page. There was a systemic, intractable duplicate, or near...
  • Swinomish Receives Funding to Build the First Modern-Day Clam Garden in the U.S.
    November 9, 2021 Federal grants will enable the Tribal Community to revitalize the ancient Indigenous mariculture practice Swinomish Indian Tribal Community bless the site on Kiket Island where they plan to build a clam garden. Photo: Caroline Edwards La Conner, Wash. – In the 1990s, members of ...
  • All About Cisterns! Webinar
    RainWise, a City of Seattle and King County partnership, offers rebates for rain gardens and cisterns on private property. These installations capture water that falls on roofs and keeps it out of sewer pipes during big rain storms. Cisterns are also a great source for summer water! In this webinar,...
  • Reviving the Past to Protect the Future: Developing a Social-Ecological Clam Garden site selection model
    Clam gardens Reviving the Past to Protect the Future: Developing a Social-Ecological Clam Garden Site Selection Model Researchers created a model to determine the best place to install the first present-day clam garden in the U.S. Many helping hands lay the foundation for the Swinomish Trib...
  • The Environmental Cost of Dinner
    C-CAN Ocean Acidification Roundtable Discussion Presented by Dr. Ray Hilborn, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington.   This webinar will be hosted by Brad Warren, Global Ocean Health, National Fisheries Conservation Center and Teri King, Washington Sea Grant. Abstract: ...
  • Program Development
    Program Development Notice:  Washington Sea Grant is not currently accepting program development proposals. Washington Sea Grant (WSG) is part of a national network, funded and coordinated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through a federal–state partnershi...
  • Debris from Shellfish Aquaculture Finds New Life as Crab Gauges
    From the Autumn 2022 Sea Star Washington Sea Grant supported an innovative pilot project repurposing marine debris, transforming it into a useful tool for recreational crabbers By Benjamin Haagen, WSG Science Communications Fellow Aaron Barnett of WSG, center, with a team from Western Washington Uni...
  • Riparian Rehab Gets a Boost
    Engineered log jams could be an important tool for salmon restoration From the spring 2020 Sea Star print newsletter By Bobbie Buzzell, WSG Science Communications Fellow Efforts in Washington State to re-establish salmon populations and riparian habitat have been underway for quite some tim...
  • Six Graduates Selected for the 2019-2020 WSG State Fellowship
    July 25, 2019 We are pleased to announce that Tressa Arbow, Rachel Assink, Ashley Bagley, Angela Cruz, Alex Sweetser and Sonni Tadlock, have been awarded the Washington Sea Grant State Fellowship (formerly the Marc Hershman Marine Policy Fellowship) for 2019-2020. This fellowship places highly mot...
  • More than just a cute face: What otters can tell us about the health of the environment
    December 27, 2022 The River Otter Project used community science to shed light on contamination in the Lower Duwamish River By Andrea Richter-Sanchez, WSG Science Communications Fellow     North American river otter. Photo by Diana Robinson. “Otters are an easy way to engage people to care abou...
  • Crab Team Takes Willapa Bay by Storm: Part 2
    November 8, 2016 This series of three posts was originally written in August, but was pre-empted by the news of European green crab captures on San Juan Island and in Padilla Bay. Better late than never, here are our field notes on green crab trapping in Willapa Bay during August of this year. Rea...
  • Webinar: All About Cisterns
    RainWise, a City of Seattle and King County partnership, offers rebates for rain gardens and cisterns on private property. These installations capture water that falls on roofs and keeps it out of sewer pipes during big rain storms. Cisterns are also a great source for summer water! In this webinar,...
  • Environmental DNA (Part 3): Reconciling eDNA with Traditional Detection Methods
    March 30, 2022 This is the third in a series of posts on a Crab Team project to develop environmental DNA (eDNA) for use in early detection and management of European green crab. The first posts provided an introduction to eDNA and the benefits and challenges it offers to invasion managers. In devel...
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