Geoducks — A Compendium
The April 2015 issue of the Journal of Shellfish Research focuses on geoduck research in North America (Mexico, United States) and New Zealand. Six articles were contributed by WSG-funded researchers who have been studying various aspects of geoduck in the Pacific Northwest, including biology, ecology, and genetics. The following articles are available for download (PDF):
- Introduction. Vadopalas B, Davis JP.
- Maturation, spawning, and fecundity of the farmed Pacific geoduck Panopea generosa in Puget Sound, Washington. Vadopalas B, Davis JP, Friedman CS.
- Temporal and spatial variability of native geoduck (Panopea generosa) Endosymbionts in the Pacific Northwest. Dorfmeier EM, Vadopalas B, Frelier P, Friedman, CS.
- Distribution, abundance, and habitat associations of a large bivalve (Panopea generosa) in a eutrophic fjord estuary. McDonald PS, Essington TE, Davis JP, Galloway AWE, Stevick BC, Jensen GC, VanBlaricom GR, Armstrong DA.
- Reduced genetic variation and decreased effective number of breeders in five year-classes of cultured geoducks (Panopea generosa). Straus KM, Vadopalas B, Davis JP, Friedman CS.
- Ecological effects of the harvest phase of geoduck (Panopea generosa Gould, 1850) aquaculture on infaunal communities in southern Puget Sound, Washington. Vanblaricom GR, Eccles JL, Olden JD, McDonald PS.
- Effects of geoduck (Panopea generosa Gould, 1850) aquaculture gear on resident and transient macrofauna communities of Puget Sound, Washington. McDonald PS, Galloway AWE, McPeek KC, VanBlaricom GR.