Act of 1861 amended to increase land acquisition to 20 acres in Shoalwater Bay (Abbott, 1892).
Act of 1861 amended to increase land acquisition to 20 acres in Shoalwater Bay (Abbott, 1892).
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An Act for the Preservation of Oysters in Shoalwater Bay. This act required six months residency, prohibited harvest from June 1- August 1, excluding planted beds, outlawed dredge harvest, and required that “small oysters to be returned to the natural beds.”
Read MoreThe first mention of oyster cultivation (“propagation”) in the Pacific Northwest.
An Act for the Preservation of Clams and Oysters, Oregon Territory (included what was to become Washington Territory in 1854). Unlawful to take during May, June, Jul, and August from territorial waters; also illegal to take if resident for less than three months.
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