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  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • Debris from Shellfish Aquaculture Finds New Life as Crab Gauges
    From the Autumn 2022 Sea Star Washington Sea Grant supported an innovative pilot project repurposing marine debris, transforming it into a useful tool for recreational crabbers By Benjamin Haagen, WSG Science Communications Fellow Aaron Barnett of WSG, center, with a team from Western Washington Uni...
  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • Protocol in Focus: What Happens to My Data?
    November 21, 2017 One strength of the Crab Team protocol is that it enables us to confidently compare findings among sites, and track changes over time – even if different people are doing the sampling. With sampling on this scale, even the small steps can be important to what we learn from the da...
  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • Carbon comes home
    Carbon Comes Home How a serendipitous connection led ocean acidification researchers to an island farm Back in the early 2000s, Washington State was ground zero for ocean acidification,” Meg Chadsey, ocean acidification specialist at Washington Sea Grant (WSG), says. “Fossil fuel emissi...
  • CANCELED: 27th Conference for Shellfish Growers
      It is with an abundance of caution that the director of Washington Sea Grant has decided to cancel the Conference for Shellfish Growers scheduled for March 9 and 10, 2020, in order not to risk anyone’s health and wellness given the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in our state. As a program...
  • Washington Coastal Resilience Project 2016-2018
    Washington Coastal Resilience Project Improving risk communication and leveraging existing programs in Washington State to build capacity and enhance resilience in coastal communities The Washington Coastal Resilience Project was a 3-year effort to rapidly increase the state’s capacit...
  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • WSG and WDFW Expand Green Crab Trapping on the Washington Coast
    August 30, 2020 In 2016, when invasive European green crabs were first found on San Juan Island, media coverage left a lot of folks on Washington’s coast scratching their heads. Why the sudden concern? After all, green crabs were first detected in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor several decades ago, ...
  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • Optimizing Bayesian Analysis in Data-Rich Stock Assessments and Management Resources in Data-Limited Fisheries
    MODELING FOR DATA-LIMITED FISHERIES Optimizing Bayesian Analysis in Data-Rich Stock Assessments and Management Resources in Data-Limited Fisheries Washington Sea Grant-supported fellow investigates common fishery stock-assessment methods that may bias managers’ fishery catch decisions. ...
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