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Update from Interim Director on Sea Grant Funding in 2019
May 2018
Dear Friends,
With vocal support from our many stakeholders, the National Sea Grant College Program was reinstated this past spring in the federal budget for FY2018.The FY18 Appropriations Omnibus Bill was passed by Congress and signed by the President in late March, which is encouraging ne...
Septic Sense – Septic Socials and Septic System Landscaping Classes
Teri King, Marine Water Quality Specialist
Septic Socials
A Septic Social is a great way to meet your neighbors and entertain your friends while discovering your underground treasure. The program, which has been running for more than 20 years, was devel...
Better Bleeding and Savvier Selling
Washington Sea Grant Teaches the Practical Skills Needed to Preserve Sustainable Fisheries, Tribal Employment, and Coastal Communities
By Eric Scigliano
The Pacific Northwest’s salmon fishermen faced a crisis. Starting in the early 2000s, cheap Chilean farmed salmon flooded the country, driving d...
A Career Saving Seabirds
From the autumn 2019 Sea Star print newsletter
Looking back on the work of marine fisheries scientist Ed Melvin upon his retirement
“I’ve never had an ornithology class in my life,” Ed Melvin confides on a sunny afternoon sitting by Seattle’s Portage Bay. For anyone familiar with Me...
WDFW, Washington Sea Grant promote #LocalWASeafood
June 25, 2020
Contact: Eryn Couch, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 360-890-6604 MaryAnn Wagner, Washington Sea Grant
Celebrate June 28 Ceviche Day with Local Washington Seafood
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Sea Grant...
Summer Bounty Salmon Burgers
July 31, 2020
By Abby Rogerson, WSG Student Assistant
Do you know who catches your fish? With how complicated seafood supply chains can be, it can be difficult to answer ‘yes’ to that question. Struggling to trace your fillet back to its source can be frustrating when trying to take advanta...
Rising Seas and a Plan to Deal with Climate Change
Rising Seas and a Plan to Deal with Climate Change
WSG’s Ian Miller helps the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe lead the way in climate planning.
Many native tribes in Washington are acutely exposed to the effects of climate change. From the Swinomish Reservation on Skagit Bay to...
2019 Volume 1
2019 Volume 1
The “Team” in Crab Team
June 3, 2019
It’s difficult to believe, but Washington Sea Grant Crab Team has officially launched our fifth year of monitoring. It’s easy for us to reflect on the number of green crab, monitoring...
European Green Crab
Invasive European Green Crab
The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) is a small shore crab whose native distribution is in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea, ranging along coasts from northern Africa to Norway and Iceland. The crab is an effective predator, adept at opening biva...
Seven Recent Graduates Selected for the 2022–2023 WSG Hershman Fellowship
September 28, 2022
Congratulations to our new WSG Hershman Fellows!
We are pleased to announce that recent graduates Grace Adams, Abigail Ames, Monea Kerr, Kathryn Loy, Jenna Rolf, Harshitha Sai Viswanathan and Olivia Zimmerman have been awarded the Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship for 2022...
Invasive Green Crab Found at Dungeness Spit
April 26, 2017
MaryAnn Wagner, Washington Sea Grant, 206-616-6353,
Allen Pleus, Aquatic Invasive Species Unit Lead, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, 360-902-2724,
Lorenz Sollmann, Deputy Project Leader, U.S. Fish &...
Rising Trend of Local Consumers Connect to Washington Seafood
October 2, 2020
Governor Jay Inslee proclaims October Seafood Month OLYMPIA / SEATTLE – Consumers have long had access to local Washington seafood through their favorite grocer or farmers’ market, but this October the state is celebrating Seafood Month by recognizing the growing trend to ...
NOAA National Sea Grant Awards Washington Sea Grant Over 1 Million in Aquaculture Grants
September 19, 2019
NOAA National Sea Grant office announced today a suite of federal funding awards in aquaculture, with three of them going to Washington Sea Grant. The four awards, totaling $1,980,133, will support aquaculture research projects and collaborative programs aimed at advan...
Community Science Volunteers are as Important as Ever During the COVID-19 Pandemic
June 17, 2020
By Brandon McWilliams, WSG Science Communications Fellow
WSG Crab Team volunteers sweep Penn Cove for a trap.
On a normal spring day along the Puget Sound, chances are good that one of the people enjoying the coast is also doing scientific research. Many projects at Washington Sea Gr...
Seaweed Farming Intensive Training Helps Kickstart a New Local Industry
February 20, 2020
Hood Canal Mariculture farm manager Charlie Delius explains seaweed growing techniques during the Intensive Training.
There has been a lot of recent interest in kickstarting a seaweed industry in Washington. But is it currently possible? If you want to become a kelp farmer, where d...