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  • Shellfish
    Shellfish in Washington Washington is the nation’s lead producer of farmed clams, oysters, and geoducks, with an estimated annual harvest worth more than $107 million. Nowhere else in the country can you find the abundance and variety of shellfish that we enjoy. Shellfish have been a su...
  • NOAA National Sea Grant Awards Washington Sea Grant Over 1 Million in Aquaculture Grants
    September 19, 2019   NOAA National Sea Grant office announced today a suite of federal funding awards in aquaculture, with three of them going to Washington Sea Grant. The four awards, totaling $1,980,133, will support aquaculture research projects and collaborative programs aimed at advan...
  • Ocean Acidification Outreach, Presentations, Webinars
    Meg Chadsey, Ocean Acidification Specialist WSG has responded to the governor’s Washington State Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Acidification by offering print and online outreach materials on acidification, conducting frequent public presentations, and working with NOAA to produce monthly webinars...
  • WWU Huxley Speaker Series
    This quarter the Huxley Speaker Series will be entirely online (see SCHEDULE) Presentations will be held on Thursdays at 4:30 via Zoom. Most presentations will also be live-streamed to YouTube and recordings of most presentations will be made available online afterwards. All of these options a...
  • Reimagining Our Future Shorelines
    From the winter 2020–2021 Sea Star print newsletter The Washington Coastal Resilience Project will continue to help communities prepare for shoreline hazards for years to come   By MaryAnn Wagner, WSG Assistant Director for Communications Owen Beach, located in Point Defiance Park, is a popular a...
  • The Mountain-Moving “Mosquito” of Ocean Acidification
    The Mountain-Moving “Mosquito” of Ocean Acidification Washington Sea Grant’s Meg Chadsey proves the power of one to mobilize action on a very big issue. The Journal of Irreproducible Results once published a paper calculating how quickly the Pacific and Atlantic coasts ...
  • Shoreline Living and Restoration Outreach
    Shoreline Living and Restoration We also offer local activities and training on salmon and beach-naturalist and stewardship programming. Learn more in Ocean Learning. Bivalves for Clean Water Marine Water Quality Specialist, 206-54...
  • Update on Sea Grant Funding for 2019 from WSG Interim Director
      June 15, 2018 UPDATE: We are happy to report that the House and Senate have yet again demonstrated strong support for the Sea Grant program.  This week, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee proposed a bill that would fund the National Sea Grant program for fiscal year 2019 at $83 millio...
  • Learn the Skills to Land a Job Fishing Salmon in Alaska
    January 25, 2022 The new Purse Seine Vessel Crew Member Training Program will hold its first session in April 2022 — register online at Photo: Guy Hoppen The Gig Harbor BoatShop and Washington Sea Grant are launching the Purse Seine Vessel Crew Member Training Program, or...
  • Septic Sense – Septic Socials and Septic System Landscaping Classes
    Teri King, Marine Water Quality Specialist   Septic Socials A Septic Social is a great way to meet your neighbors and entertain your friends while discovering your underground treasure. The program, which has been running for more than 20 years, was devel...
  • Update from Interim Director on Sea Grant Funding in 2019
    May 2018 Dear Friends, With vocal support from our many stakeholders, the National Sea Grant College Program was reinstated this past spring in the federal budget for FY2018.The FY18 Appropriations Omnibus Bill was passed by Congress and signed by the President in late March, which is encouraging ne...
  • Director’s Note: Washington Sea Grant’s Response to COVID-19
    March 17, 2020 Russell Callender, WSG Director COVID-19 is clearly impacting all of us. Washington Sea Grant (WSG) is no exception. We have worked hard to heed the rapidly evolving guidance coming from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Governor’s office and the Uni...
  • A New Symposium to Work Towards Equity and Justice in Environmental Fields
    August 22, 2019 The Salish Sea Equity and Justice Symposium, to be held November 14-15, 2019, aims to center historically marginalized and underrepresented voices while creating space for ongoing dialogues. Addressing inequity and working toward environmental justice is essential to a successful en...
  • New guide from the Washington Coastal Resilience Project helps coastal planners use the latest sea level rise data
    July 9, 2020  IN BRIEF: The Washington Coastal Resilience Project team – a collaboration between the state’s Department of Ecology, the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group and Washington Sea Grant – are releasing How to Choose, a guide to support the use of available sea level ris...
  • Stream Steward Training
    Connect with others to make a difference in the health of our local ecosystems as a Stream Steward. The Stream Steward Program provides Kitsap residents with the opportunity to turn environmental knowledge into action. Through an annual, multi-day training, participants learn about connections betw...
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