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  • Fall 2016
    Fall 2016 Crab Team’s Big Discovery! August 4th, 2016 You might have heard the recent news that Crab Team volunteers captured the first confirmed European green crab in Washington’s inland waters (but if you haven’t, read our blog post)...
  • Invasive Green Crab Found at Dungeness Spit
    April, 2017 A new population of invasive European green crab has been found at Dungeness Spit, near Sequim, Washington, rekindling concern over the potential for damage to local marine life and shorelines. Staff and volunteers from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), which manages Dungeness...
  • Advisory Committee
    Advisory Committee The WSG Advisory Committee provides general program oversight, direction, and advice. The Committee was first established in August 2006 with stakeholders and federal and state partners. The Committee was restructured in 2022 to better reflect the diverse ...
  • Invasive Green Crab Found at Dungeness Spit
    (Photo: European Green Crab found at Dungeness Spit, Sequim, April 2017. Photo by Allen Pleus, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife)     April 26, 2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sequim, WA — A new population of invasive European green crab has been found at Dungeness Spit, near Sequim, ...
  • C-CAN Roundtable discussion: Ocean Acidification and Pseudo-nitzschia harmful algal blooms along the West Coast
    Join us for our C-CAN Roundtable discussion on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 1pm PT (4pm ET) How ocean acidification works hand-in-hand with warming and other global change stressors to promote toxic Pseudo-nitzschia harmful algal blooms along the West Coast Presented by Dr. Dave Hutchin...
  • Looking Back on 50 Years: Longtime WSG Staff Reflect on Their Work
    From the winter 2021–2022 Sea Star print newsletter In honor of the program’s golden anniversary, we asked four current and former staff to reflect on what they have accomplished here By Grace Freeman, WSG Science Communications Fellow Based in Seattle and housed within the University of Washin...
  • 2015 Elwha Research Consortium
    The Elwha Research Consortium (ERC) has announced its the 3rd Elwha River Science Symposium. This meeting will be held on November 18 – 20, 2015 on the Campus of NatureBridge Olympic National Park, near Lake Crescent. This will be the first symposium following full dam removal of both ...
  • Crab Team and COVID-19
    March 31, 2020 March and April are typically the busiest months on the Crab Team annual calendar, as staff and volunteers reunite for training workshops to relaunch the monitoring season. This spring, however, the Crab Team office has been almost entirely empty over the past month. The leadership o...
  • GOING DIGITAL: Puget Sound Green Infrastructure Summit
    *IMPORTANT UPDATE* Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this year’s Summit will take place in a largely virtual format. In order to make the most of the situation, to keep our green infrastructure work moving forward, and to maximize the safety and health of all of you, our partners and friends, we have ...
  • King Tides Help People Visualize Sea Level Rise Around Coastal Washington
    March 26, 2019 Washington Sea Grant held viewing parties in Oak Harbor and Raymond in January to help local residents understand the effects of sea level rise   Sea level rise has major implications for coastal Washington. The recent projections released by Washington Sea Grant, WA Department of Ec...
  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
  • Small Spills, Big Problems, Sound Solutions
    July 25, 2016 To paraphrase an old saying, “There’s no use crying over spilled oil.” Yet many are concerned with oil pollution in Puget Sound and in the San Juan Islands. What people don’t realize is that the biggest source of spills so far in the region has not been tankers and freighters, ...
  • WSG Seaweed Office Hours
    Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs! How to participate: Zoom meeting link: Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required) Attendees will be served in order of arrival Please stay ...
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