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  • Reduced Bycatch in Alaska and West Coast Fisheries
    Seabird Bycatch in Alaska Washington Sea Grant research program reduces seabird bycatch in Alaska and West Coast fisheries Washington Sea Grant is a leader in developing techniques and education materials for reducing seabird bycatch in U.S. North Pacific fisheries, ultimately helping to pr...
  • Preview of the 2016 Eastern Bering Sea Pollock Stock Assessment
    Washington Sea Grant, the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences and the UW College of the Environment invite you to attend a preview of the most recent assessment of the Eastern Bering Sea (EBS) pollock—the target of one of the world’s largest fisheries. The forum provides fishery stakeholders...
  • Under High Water
    Under High Water Washington Sea Grant helps citizens and coastal planners understand what sea-level rise means for their communities Visit Seattle’s Golden Gardens park on a sunny summer day, and you’re likely to find a crowd of happy-go-lucky locals playing on the beach and enjoying the specta...
  • Working Together to Monitor Dungeness Crab
    From the Autumn 2022 Sea Star The Pacific Northwest Crab Research Group connects fisheries management scientists and resource managers, facilitating collaboration and information sharing By Samantha Larson, WSG Science Writer Emily Buckner, former WSG Hershman Fellow and current Program Manager for ...
  • Non-Invasive Physiological Monitoring of Southern Resident Killer Whales
    Noninvasive assessment of Orca decline Non-Invasive Physiological Monitoring of Southern Resident Killer Whales Using scat-detection dogs and long-term physiological, reproductive, and toxicant monitoring, researchers worked to unravel the mystery of the Salish Sea orcas’ persistent decli...
  • Paralytic shellfish poisoning on the Washington Coast
    September 3, 2024 An update on the recent shellfish poisoning event and the safety protocols in place By Ashleigh Epps, WSG aquaculture specialist The phytoplankton genus Alexadrium, which creates for paralytic shellfish poison In late May 2024, the Pacific coasts of Oregon and Washington experience...
  • Seabird Publications
    Seabird Publications Since 1994, Ed Melvin has focused on developing methods to reduce the bycatch of seabirds. The following list of publications reflects the scope of his work. In addition, Melvin has written numerous publications — including reports and working papers — on albatr...
  • Tide Talk: Mud! Engineered by Life at the Tokeland Hotel and Restaurant
    Tide Talk: Mud! Engineered by Life Presented by Professor Jennifer Ruesink (Biology, University of Washington) Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay have mudflats that stretch literally for miles. But these habitats are more than just muddy and flat: they have amazing creatures living in them. Join us to he...
  • Effects of Ocean Acidification on Trophically Important Crustacean Zooplankton of Washington State
    Acidification effects on crustacean zooplankton Effects of Ocean Acidification on Trophically Important Crustacean Zooplankton of Washington State Researchers quantified the differential growth and survival rates in acidified waters of zooplankton species that are fundamental to the marine ...
  • CANCELED: 27th Conference for Shellfish Growers
      It is with an abundance of caution that the director of Washington Sea Grant has decided to cancel the Conference for Shellfish Growers scheduled for March 9 and 10, 2020, in order not to risk anyone’s health and wellness given the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in our state. As a program...
  • Fifth Anniversary of First Green Crab Detection
    August 31, 2021 It’s been just five years since the first phone call came in with the news we all feared. I was returning from a morning dog walk and got the message from Crab Team volunteer Craig Staude: a European green crab had been captured at Westcott Bay, on San Juan Island. Though we ha...
  • Understanding Dormancy Requirements and Germination of Alexandrium Cysts and Evaluating Cyst Mapping as a Tool for Early Warning of Harmful Algal Blooms
    predicting Alexandrium blooms Understanding Dormancy Requirements and Germination of Alexandrium Cysts and Evaluating Cyst Mapping as a Tool for Early Warning of Harmful Algal Blooms Studies revealed that surface-sediment cyst mapping alone may not reveal the full risk of Alexandrium cate...
  • Effects of Early Exposure of Pacific Oysters to Ocean Acidification on Subsequent Performance
    OA exposure effects on Pacific oysters Effects of Early Exposure of Pacific Oysters to Ocean Acidification on Subsequent Performance Washington Sea Grant research documented the effects on performance of later-life and transgenerational Pacific oysters due to early exposure to acidified wat...
  • Marine Survival of Puget Sound Chinook Salmon: Size-Selective Mortality, Critical Periods, and Growth Limitations
    Low survival in young puget sound chinook Marine Survival of Puget Sound Chinook Salmon: Size-Selective Mortality, Critical Periods, and Growth Limitations This project will use a novel method to study patterns in size-selective mortality of juvenile Chinook salmon in a range of habitats. ...
  • Port U Adult Education Series: Ship Canal 101
    Learn about the wide range of maritime industry businesses and support services that play a key role in making Seattle a focal point for commercial fishing, boat yards, and transportation between Alaska and the Lower 48 states. The Lake Washington Ship Canal is a bustling center of maritime activity...
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