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Septic Sense – Septic Socials and Septic System Landscaping Classes
Teri King, Marine Water Quality Specialist
Septic Socials
A Septic Social is a great way to meet your neighbors and entertain your friends while discovering your underground treasure. The program, which has been running for more than 20 years, was devel...
Boat School Launches Marine Systems Training
June 7, 2018
CONTACT: Betsy Davis, Executive Director, Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding
360-385-4948 or
Boat School Launches Marine Systems Training
Accredited and Approved for Federal Student Aid and VA Education Benefits
Enrollment is now open for marin...
Update from Interim Director on Sea Grant Funding in 2019
May 2018
Dear Friends,
With vocal support from our many stakeholders, the National Sea Grant College Program was reinstated this past spring in the federal budget for FY2018.The FY18 Appropriations Omnibus Bill was passed by Congress and signed by the President in late March, which is encouraging ne...
Shoreline Living and Restoration Outreach
Shoreline Living and Restoration
We also offer local activities and training on salmon and beach-naturalist and stewardship programming. Learn more in Ocean Learning.
Bivalves for Clean Water
Marine Water Quality Specialist, 206-54...
Update on Sea Grant Funding for 2019 from WSG Interim Director
June 15, 2018
UPDATE: We are happy to report that the House and Senate have yet again demonstrated strong support for the Sea Grant program. This week, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee proposed a bill that would fund the National Sea Grant program for fiscal year 2019 at $83 millio...
A Career Saving Seabirds
From the autumn 2019 Sea Star print newsletter
Looking back on the work of marine fisheries scientist Ed Melvin upon his retirement
“I’ve never had an ornithology class in my life,” Ed Melvin confides on a sunny afternoon sitting by Seattle’s Portage Bay. For anyone familiar with Me...
Current and Recent Fellows
Current and Recent Fellows
The following biographies of current and recent fellows provide examples of the breadth and scope of opportunities and experiences offered by WSG, National Sea Grant, and Coastal Management fellowships.
Jump to:
Washington Sea Grant Keystone Fellow...
WSG Keystone Fellowship
Washington Sea Grant Keystone Fellowship Program
The application for the 2025 Keystone Fellowship is now CLOSED
Deadline to Apply: TBD
Finalists Selected: TBD
Fellowship Begins: TBD
Fellowship Ends: TBD
2025 Keystone Fellowship Projects:
Puget Sound Restoration Fund: Re...
Washington Boat Sales Data
Washington Boat Sales Reports
Updates pending. For current boat sales reports see the current, interactive dashboards:
Recreational Boat Sales Dashboard
Recreational Boat Fleet Dashboard
Both available on the Washington Coast Economist website.
Historical Data
With access to raw boat titl...
2019 Volume 1
2019 Volume 1
The “Team” in Crab Team
June 3, 2019
It’s difficult to believe, but Washington Sea Grant Crab Team has officially launched our fifth year of monitoring. It’s easy for us to reflect on the number of green crab, monitoring...
Seven Recent Graduates Selected for the 2022–2023 WSG Hershman Fellowship
September 28, 2022
Congratulations to our new WSG Hershman Fellows!
We are pleased to announce that recent graduates Grace Adams, Abigail Ames, Monea Kerr, Kathryn Loy, Jenna Rolf, Harshitha Sai Viswanathan and Olivia Zimmerman have been awarded the Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship for 2022...
Invasive Green Crab Found at Dungeness Spit
April 26, 2017
MaryAnn Wagner, Washington Sea Grant, 206-616-6353,
Allen Pleus, Aquatic Invasive Species Unit Lead, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, 360-902-2724,
Lorenz Sollmann, Deputy Project Leader, U.S. Fish &...
Launching Collaborative Green Crab Management in Drayton Harbor (part 1)
July 2, 2020
Removal of European green crab in Drayton Harbor is now underway, thanks to the collaborative efforts of WSG, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), the Northwest Straits Commission (NWSC) and many other partners and stakeholders. This is the first of two posts on efforts to...
King Tides Provide a Window into the Future of Washington Shorelines
From the autumn 2019 Sea Star print newsletter
By Andrew Chin, WSG Science Communications Fellow
On a quiet day in Oak Harbor last January, the surface of Puget Sound was as smooth as glass. The water gently reflected the winter sun as 45 pairs of eyes watched the tide slowly overtake the shoreline,...
Youth Learn Valuable Skills Building Boxes to Demonstrate the Use of Sewage Adapters
April 13, 2021By Hannah Jeffries, WSG Science Communications Fellow
At the beginning of last winter, a group of teenagers in Port Townsend began to learn the basics of woodworking through an unusual means: building boxes to demonstrate how to pumpout sewage from boats. Aaron Barnett, the boating p...