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  • WSG launches new Pumpout Washington website
    April 6, 2023 Visit the redesigned website at By Emma Duckworth, WSG Undergraduate Science Communications Fellow As the weather continues to warm, Puget Sound boaters are gearing up for another beautiful season. Whether it be their first time on the water or their tenth season ...
  • WSG in the News 2017
    WSG in the News 2017 December 2017 Sea level rise estimates could affect local real estate San Juan Journal, December 29 New approach to beach erosion at North Cove South Beach Bulletin, December 28 Sound Waters University: turning education into action South Whidbey Record, December 27 Sea l...
  • Marine Debris Prevention
    Marine Debris Can Ruin a Good Day on the Water                             What to Do When You Find Marine Debris As a boater or beach-goer, you may encounter anything from logs or plastic trash to stranded marine mammals or derelict fishing gear. All are potential hazards to nav...
  • Attention boaters! Send your feedback on new map showing real-time locations of mobile pumpout vessels
    May 5, 2023 With the opening day of boating season upon us, it’s time for boaters to brush up on keeping our waters clean. Mobile pumpout vessels make it easier to dispose of onboard sewage — in order to use pumpout services, however, boaters need to know when and where they are available. A new...
  • Spotting Salmon With Sound
    Kerry Accola’s research took her to Seattle’s seawall in search of salmon From the winter 2020–2021 Sea Star print newsletter By James Lee, WSG Science Communications Fellow Picture going out on a small boat or a kayak. Do you see yourself paddling past a serene, relaxing marsh? Or p...
  • Draft Marine Spatial Plan Public Workshop
    The Draft Marine Spatial Plan for Washington’s Pacific Coast is available for review and comment by interested parties, agencies, and tribes through December 12, 2017. The draft plan provides information on ocean uses and resources and a framework for evaluating proposed new ocean uses on Washi...
  • Coastal Hazards
    Coastal Hazards in Washington State Dwellers on Washington’s seismically active, highly exposed shores face a daunting range of natural and human-induced hazards. Some are continual and inexorable, such as climate-driven sea level rise. Some are commonplace phenomena, such as winter storm...
  • Coastal Training Event: Alternatives to Bulkheads
    The Washington State Department of Ecology will be hosting an online training for Course #5 of the Coastal Training Program, Alternatives to Bulkheads: Techniques for Erosion Control, including Construction Materials and Maintenance. This course will cover techniques for erosion control and restorat...
  • Draft Marine Spatial Plan Public Workshop
    The Draft Marine Spatial Plan for Washington’s Pacific Coast is available for review and comment by interested parties, agencies, and tribes through December 12, 2017. The draft plan provides information on ocean uses and resources and a framework for evaluating proposed new ocean uses on Wash...
  • Draft Marine Spatial Plan Public Workshop
    The Draft Marine Spatial Plan for Washington’s Pacific Coast is available for review and comment by interested parties, agencies, and tribes through December 12, 2017. The draft plan provides information on ocean uses and resources and a framework for evaluating proposed new ocean uses on Washin...
  • WWU Huxley Speaker Series
    This quarter the Huxley Speaker Series will be entirely online (see SCHEDULE) Presentations will be held on Thursdays at 4:30 via Zoom. Most presentations will also be live-streamed to YouTube and recordings of most presentations will be made available online afterwards. All of these options a...
  • Environmental Threats Outreach
    Environmental Threats Ocean Acidification Outreach, Presentations, Webinars Meg Chadsey, Ocean Acidification Specialist Hey teachers, watch our kid-friendly eelgrass video! WSG has responded to the governor’s Washington State Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Acid...
  • Fisheries and Seafood
    Fisheries and Seafood Fishing and seafood have been part of the culture and commerce of Washington state for centuries. Washington’s traditions, expertise, resources, and location give it a pivotal place in the seafood economy of the entire Pacific Coast, from California to Alaska. Today,...
  • Ocean Acidification Activities
    Ocean Acidification Activities WSG offers print and online educational fact sheets and outreach materials on ocean acidification (OA), and staff are available upon request for public presentations. Monthly webinars produced by WSG and NOAA are now a regular offering for those wishing to ...
  • Program Development
    Program Development Notice:  Washington Sea Grant is not currently accepting program development proposals. Washington Sea Grant (WSG) is part of a national network, funded and coordinated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through a federal–state partnershi...
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