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  • Documenting the European Green Crab Range Expansion
    (Header photo: Allen Pleus, Aquatic Invasive Species Unit Lead for Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife with one of the green crab captured in Padilla Bay during the collaborative assessment trapping effort in 2016.) February 6, 2018 The very first publication by Crab Team was just released ...
  • 1895
    “The difference between the titles of the Bush Act and the Callow Act is that the State can only retake the land under the Bush Act title when as an established fact the land has ceased to be used for oyster culture, whereas under the Callow Act the state can take them back at any time.” Senat...
  • Drawing the Line in Salmon Genetics
    Drawing the Line in Salmon Genetics At the Yakama Tribe’s innovative experimental hatchery, WSG researchers show what a difference a wild broodstock can make. On the east side of Cle Elum, Washington, between Interstate 90 and the Yakima River, sits a tribal salmon-rearing ...
  • Researchers Document Salmon Diversity Using Ancient DNA
    Researchers Document Salmon Diversity Using Ancient DNA WSU scientists invent novel techniques to tackle a challenging question of genetic history By Max Showalter, WSG Science Communications Fellow Northwestern rivers like the Columbia and Snake were once brimming with salmo...
  • Kelp in the Kitchen: Cochayuyo Chocolates
    February 18, 2020 By Bobbie Buzzell, WSG Science Communications Fellow  Ready to try something really off the beaten path with kelp? If you’ve been following our kelp recipe blogs, you may have noticed an Asian theme with previous posts. But there are indeed other cultures that have incorp...
  • Who Brings Your Seafood to You? An Interview with Andy Mitby
    October 5, 2020 By James Lee, Science Communications Fellow Andy Mitby of Drake Teal Fisheries is a fourth-generation fisherman and also a Husky alum, with a bachelor’s degree in marine science from the University of Washington. He says his house is now divided, now that his kids attend UW ...
  • Building Citizen Science with Volunteers as Partners: Part 3
    The field of citizen science has grown explosively over the last decade, benefitting from excellent PR, Presidential shout-outs, advances in big data, and, not least, a Web 2.0 world replete with hashtags, networks, and crowdsourcing. It turns out people love doing science in their spare time! The h...
  • Coastal Green Crab Captures Increased in 2021
    January 20, 2022 Trapping throughout 2021 indicates that the European green crab invasion has grown across Washington’s coastal estuaries, namely Willapa Bay, Grays Harbor, and Makah Bay. This year’s collaborative efforts by many partners to remove crabs and track the invasion also confirmed tha...
  • National Working Waterfronts & Waterways Symposium
    The National Working Waterfronts & Waterways Symposium is the crown jewel of the National Working Waterfront Network. People from across the United States attend the symposium to connect with one another and showcase (and initiate) innovative solutions to their waterfront issues. The ultimate ...
  • Kritters and Kelp Day
    Join for a fun, interactive, educational day! Kelp and Kritters Day at the Fox Island History Museum will feature hands on activities, storytelling, kelp tasting, face painting, games and more! Perfect for all ages. At 2:00 Rachel Easton, the Education Director of Harbor WildWatch will give a talk o...
  • Green Crabs Have Arrived in Puget Sound: Are They Here to Stay?
    Green Crabs Have Arrived in Puget Sound: Are They Here to Stay? Washington Sea Grant’s monitoring program works to prevent invasive green crabs from establishing populations in Puget Sound By Jasmine Prat, WSG Science Communications Fellow Puget Sound shorelines are teem...
  • Pumpout Washington
    Aaron Barnett, Boating Program Specialist, and Bridget Trosin, Coastal Policy Specialist In partnership with the Washington State Parks Clean Vessel Act program, WSG manages the popular Pumpout Washington program, which educates boaters about the importance of proper sew...
  • Coast Guard-Approved First Aid at Sea Workshop in Gig Harbor
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 10, 2018 CONTACT: Sarah Fisken, 206-543-1225 or   Coast Guard-Approved First Aid at Sea Workshop  Effectively treat hypothermia, near drowning and other incidents while on the water. Monday, December 3 in Gig Harbor, Washington. Washingto...
  • Marine Debris Can Ruin A Day on the Water
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 2, 2020  CONTACTS: Aaron Barnett, Boating Operations Specialist (206) 853-6991 or at or MaryAnn Wagner, WSG Communications Marine Debris Can Ruin A Day on the Water Boaters are the front line in keeping Washington’s waters safe ...
  • CERF Webinar: Blending complementary ways of knowing—Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Science—to support coastal hazards resilience and restoration decision-making
    Presented by: Matthew Bethel, Ph.D., and DeWitt H. Braud About this webinar: Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) is a living body of knowledge that includes environmental observations and experiences that occur in places and within an indigenous cultural context. In coastal Louisiana, a multidis...
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