Search Results for " Ʈõ Japan casino ̴ٽȭ zizkdkszkwlsh ̺ī īü ǸӴ 30000 ̺Ÿ"

  • Seaweed Farming Intensive Training Helps Kickstart a New Local Industry
    February 20, 2020 Hood Canal Mariculture farm manager Charlie Delius explains seaweed growing techniques during the Intensive Training. There has been a lot of recent interest in kickstarting a seaweed industry in Washington. But is it currently possible? If you want to become a kelp farmer, where d...
  • Protocol In Focus: Why Do We Use Two Types of Trap?
    One strength of the Crab Team protocol is that it enables us to confidently compare findings among different sites, and track changes over time – even if different people are doing the sampling. With sampling on this scale, even the small steps can be important to what we learn from the data...
  • 1903
    “The Nahcotta Point Oyster company has been organized in this city with Spokane, Seattle and Rossland capital. The company owns 160 acres of oyster beds on Willapa harbor near Oysterville, Pacific county, this state. Heretofore the seed oyster has been shipped from New Haven, Conn., and trans...
  • Pilot-scale net-pen grow-out of sablefish (“black cod”) by the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe
    PILOT SABLEFISH NET-PEN GROW-OUT Pilot-scale net-pen grow-out of sablefish (“black cod”) by the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe Researchers partner with the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe and others to find cost-effective ways to successfully raise sablefish, or “black cod,&#...
  • 1900
    “Fish Commissioner A.C. Little and Prof. R.W. Doane, of the State Agricultural College, are making arrangements to secure a colony of North Japan oysters for a trial at the oyster experimental station at Dogfish Bay. The oyster is a hardy bivalve and Mr. Little thinks it would increase wonderfull...
  • 1900
    LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS   Under direction from U.S. Commissioner Bowers, biologist Bashford Dean sent to Japan to report on oyster culture; Dean recommends transplanting to the U.S. Pacific coast from northern latitudes with similar salinity, and in sufficient numbers to ensure survival (Dean, 1902). ...
  • 1899
    SHELLFISH AND CULTIVATION   Washington State Commissioner of Fisheries inquired to Dr. K. Mitsukuri, Dept. Zoology, Imperial University regarding which species of oyster to import to Washington from Japan; Mitusukuri suggested Ostrea [now Crassostrea] gigas (Kincaid 1968). ...
  • 2019 Volume 1
    2019 Volume 1 The “Team” in Crab Team June 3, 2019 It’s difficult to believe, but Washington Sea Grant Crab Team has officially launched our fifth year of monitoring. It’s easy for us to reflect on the number of green crab, monitoring...
  • 1900
    “An Effort Also to be Made to Introduce Japanese Oysters on the Pacific Coast, as They Are More Congenial to the Cold Waters.Special Dispatch to the Post-Intelligencer WASHINGTON, June 26. Representative Jones has been for some time working on Fish Commissioner Bowers regarding the introduct...
  • Winter 2017 Sea Star
    Elder Memories, Ancient DNA and the Fate of the Herring WSG researcher Lorenz Hauser leads a binational, multidisciplinary investigation into the decline of the North Pacific’s little big fish. Conservation is a never-ending battle against collective amn...
  • 1904
    “Japanese oysters are to be experimented with by local oystermen. A shipment of 100 pounds came on the oriental liner Nicomedia consigned to A. L. Bush & Sons of Bay Center, Wash. They came from Japan, and are known as the Kanagawa variety. Officials of the Portland and Asiatic Steamship ...
  • 1903
    “It is reported that during the past winter a considerable consignment of oysters from Japan was planted in Washington waters.” Bowers, 1905. Company Is Formed to Raise Oysters. ...
  • Videos of First WSG Shellfish Study Workshop Now Available Online
    December 17, 2019 A ghost shrimp in Willapa Bay Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor are home to some of the most productive oyster farms in the country, but in recent years these estuaries have been plagued by an active burrowing shrimp population that threatens much of coastal Washington’s oyster ground...
  • Elder Memories, Ancient DNA and the Fate of the Herring
    Elder Memories, Ancient DNA and the Fate of the Herring WSG researcher Lorenz Hauser leads a binational, multidisciplinary investigation into the decline of the North Pacific’s little big fish. Conservation is a never-ending battle against collective amnesia. As living...
  • 1930
    SHELLFISH AND CULTIVATION   Eastern oysters still exist in small numbers in Willapa (Hopkins 1946). 15 growers are importing Pacific oyster seed from Japan (Kincaid 1968). ...
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