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Better Bleeding and Savvier Selling
Washington Sea Grant Teaches the Practical Skills Needed to Preserve Sustainable Fisheries, Tribal Employment, and Coastal Communities
By Eric Scigliano
The Pacific Northwest’s salmon fishermen faced a crisis. Starting in the early 2000s, cheap Chilean farmed salmon flooded the country, driving d...
Washington State’s Boat Fleet – 2016
Washington State’s Boat Fleet – 2016
In 2016 alone, 5,750 new vessels worth $234 million were added to the 205,694 registered vessels in Washington’s 2.63 billion dollar boating fleet. The marina industry and state marine recreation agencies and consultants need accurate, geog...
Celebrating 50 Years of Brokering Lane Agreements Between Crabbers and Towboat Operators
November 8, 2021
Coastal Washington — This year marks the 50th anniversary of a little-known, but highly successful mariner’s agreement known as the “Crabber/Towboat Lane Agreement,” providing a positive example of what can be accomplished between disparate groups when both parties are...
Wild Seafood Connection to bring fishers and buyers to Bellingham in February
January 18, 2024
On February 29, members of the commercial fishing industry will have a chance to speak directly to their buyers – restaurants, retailers, brokers, and other seafood businesses – at the Wild Seafood Connection conference, presented by the Port of Bellingham and produced by Coli...
2021 Volume 2
2021 Volume 2
Five Years Later
November, 2021
It’s been a little over five years since the first capture of invasive European green crab along Washington’s inland shorelines. As we look back at how much we’ve learned since this capture, we ...
Impacts from the Summer 2021 Heatwave on Washington Shellfish
July 21, 2021
Dead butter clams. Photo: Ron Carr
The record-breaking heat that hit the Pacific Northwest from June 23 to 28, 2021, caused harm to many intertidal shellfish and invertebrate species on Washington beaches.
On many beaches, species such as cockles, varnish clams, butter clams, and nativ...
Protocol In Focus: Why do we use mackerel as bait?
September 10, 2018
One strength of the Crab Team protocol is that it enables us to confidently compare findings among sites, and track changes over time – even if different people are doing the sampling. With sampling on this scale, even the small steps can be important to what we learn from the d...
Webinar: MAFAC Seafood Task Group
How Do We Increase Consumption in the U.S.– Is It Time to Revisit the Idea of a National Seafood Council?
Price: Free- Sponsored by Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America
Panelists: MAFAC Members Megan Davis, Roger Berkowitz, Stefanie Moreland, Sebastian Belle
Moderator: Cl...
Who Brings Your Seafood to You? An Interview with Libie Cain
October 1, 2020
By James Lee, Science Communications Fellow
Libie Cain fishes Dungeness crab and albacore out of Westport. She grew up on Cooper Point by Evergreen State College and has an architectural degree. In fact, she was part of the team that helped build the Natural Resources B...
Keta Project
Keta Project
Keta Project
This study will examine consumer attitudes toward salmon consumption and sustainable fishing in the Pacific Northwest.
Principal Investigator
Stan Goto, Western Washington University
Seafood retailers in the Pacific Northwest ...
Who Brings Your Seafood to You? An Interview with Hazel Secor from Cape Flattery Fishermen’s Co-Op
April 29, 2022
By Benjamin Haagen, Science Communications Fellow
Hazel Secor has been working as manager of the Cape Flattery Fisherman’s Co-op in Neah Bay, Washington since 2014, supporting the local fishing industry and working with fishers to process and distribute seafood to communities aroun...
Who Brings Your Seafood to You? An Interview with Dave Sones
October 2, 2021
By James Lee, Science Communications Fellow
Dave Sones is a fisherman and a member of the Makah Nation at Neah Bay. He’s been fishing since 1972, when he was 12 years old. As a young man, he worked at the Ozette Archaeological Site as an interpreter; later, he became fisheries ma...
Celebrating 50 Years of Brokering Lane Agreements Between Crabbers and Towboat Operators
November 8, 2021
Coastal Washington — This year marks the 50th anniversary of a little-known, but highly successful mariner’s agreement known as the “Crabber/Towboat Lane Agreement,” providing a positive example of what can be accomplished between disparate groups when both parties are ...