May 8, 2019
The joint team from Washington Sea Grant (WSG), Climate Impacts Group (CIG) and Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) that released a report containing the best sea level rise projections yet for Washington’s coasts last summer received the UW College of the Environment Award for Outstanding Community Impact. The report is part of the Washington Coastal Resilience Project, a three-year effort funded in 2016 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
“The team has been instrumental in helping to forecast sea level rise, open a dialogue with the public around climate change, and incorporate the emerging scientific data into our planning and construction projects,” a nominator wrote. The group was recognized by Dean Lisa J. Graumlich at the UW College of the Environment Spring Celebration on May 7.

Members of the joint WSG and CIG team at the Spring Celebration.
The joint recipients:
- Ian Miller, WSG
- Guillaume Mauger, CIG
- Harriet Morgan, CIG
- Paul Dye, WSG
- Nicole Faghin, WSG
- Heidi Roop, CIG
- Crystal Raymond, CIG
- MaryAnn Wagner, WSG
- David Schmidt, ESS
- Mark Welch, ESS