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  • Director’s Note: Hui Malama Loko l’a Indigenous Aquaculture Gathering
    February 20, 2020 Russell Callender, WSG Director Over 125 guests — including representatives from 13 Pacific Northwest tribal nations; students and leaders from Northwest Indian College; and many more Indigenous stewards from across the globe — gathered at the Kākoʻo ...
  • Building Capacity to Protect the Salish Sea From European Green Crab
     July 5th, 2018 As we wrote last week, the first half of this monitoring season has seen several new detections of European green crab, but as green crab appear to be ramping up, so is the group of humans ready to control them. WSG Crab Team is now a project with five team members (including two fu...
  • Three Washington Graduate Students Selected for the 2019 NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowship
    August 21, 2019 Washington Sea Grant is excited to share that three of the eight graduate students selected for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)–Sea Grant Fellowship this year are from the University of Washington. Through the fellowship, doctoral students are provided with two- and t...
  • Northwest Workshop on Bivalve Aquaculture and the Environment
    Northwest Workshop on Bivalve Aquaculture and the Environment The purpose of this workshop was to identify the current state of knowledge regarding on-bottom intertidal aquaculture and its interactions with the environment. The goal was to identify the information and research needed for sustainable...
  • Crab Team at the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference
    May 31, 2022 The second all-virtual Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference (April 26-28) offered everyone with an interest or involvement in the inland waters shared by Washington and British Columbia the chance to connect over a huge range of topics, impacts of last summer’s heat dome, southern resi...
  • Sound Citizen: Students and Citizens Working Together to Evaluate Sources and Fates of Emerging Pollutants in Puget Sound
    Sound Citizen monitoring of emerging pollutants Sound Citizen: Students and Citizens Working Together to Evaluate Sources and Fates of Emerging Pollutants in Puget Sound SoundCitizen directly engaged more than 2,000 people each year in documenting common yet undetected Puget Sound contamina...
  • Hanging by a Thread
    Hanging by a Thread Biologist Emily Carrington probes the secrets of the humble mussel’s powerful attachment, and how mussels will fare as sea chemistry changes. By Elizabeth Cooney, WSG Communications Fellow Carrington and Laura Newcomb, heading for the water. ...
  • Field Notes and More News
    Field Notes and More News Dean Lisa Gramulich congratulates WSG’s Teri King. WSG social scientist Melissa Poe has wrapped up an 18-month project, funded by the Puget Sound Institute and U.S. EPA, on the relationship between sense of place and the restoration of Puget Sound. Working with ...
  • Unique Washington
    Our Unique Northwest Washingtonians have a deep, passionate relationship with their state’s rich coastal ecology and matchless marine resources. Geology, climate, ocean currents, biological evolution, human history, and social adaptation converge to create a physical, cultural, and economic s...
  • How to Get Your “Eyes on the Beach” Like a Pro
    October 6, 2016  The recent captures of invasive European green crabs, the first documented in Washington’s Salish Sea, have garnered a lot of recent media attention. We are thrilled that local residents are eager to help protect shorelines from this global invasive species and have set about...
  • Other Opportunities
    Other Opportunities Learn about the many opportunities available to professionals and undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral scholars interested in gaining first-hand experience in marine science and policy.                          Undergraduate Opportunities Association f...
  • Detection of European Green Crab in Drayton Harbor
    August 22, 2019 Crab Team volunteers in Drayton Harbor, just south of the border with Canada, found the shell of an invasive European green crab while walking the beach this past Saturday. The detection is the furthest northward along Washington shorelines the invasive species has been confirmed. Ma...
  • 27th Conference for Shellfish Growers Agenda
    First convened by WSG in 1991, the Conference for Shellfish Growers brings together shellfish producers, researchers, students and managers from the Pacific Northwest to discuss pressing issues and relevant research on aquaculture. We look forward to another engaging and insightful conference this ...
  • Sea Gardens Across the Pacific in Signals Magazine
    March 15, 2023 Indigenous peoples have been stewarding the ocean for thousands of years. This stewardship has appeared in many different forms around the world, all of which represent a reciprocal relationship between humans and the sea rooted in deep place-based knowledge. From eel ponds in Bud...
  • Vancouver International Boat Show
    Learn about all things boating at the Vancouver International Boat Show! The event is brought to you by Boating BC Association, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting and highlighting the enjoyment of boating on Canada’s West Coast, and to ensuring a positive atmosphere of growth...
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