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  • Director’s Note: The Pull of King Tides
    January 16, 2020 Russell Callender, WSG Director Every winter, the Earth, sun and moon align to create fascinating coastal events: king tides. While ordinary tides are caused by the gravitational forces between Earth and the moon, when that gravitational pull is exacerbated b...
  • Community Science Volunteers Discover Invasive European Green Crab in Hood Canal
    May 19, 2022 Original post: WDFW and Washington Sea Grant to deploy rapid response trapping efforts A male European green crab captured near Seabeck in Hood Canal on May 17, 2022. OLYMPIA ...
  • European green crab’s reach stretches across North Olympic Peninsula
    October 3, 2018 A new story in the Sequim Gazette featuring WSG aquatic invasive species specialist Emily Grason details how far invasive European green crab have spread on the Olympic Peninsula. Read the story here:
  • Researchers Discover Yessotoxins, Produced by Certain Phytoplankton, to be a Culprit Behind Summer Mass Shellfish Mortality Events in Washington
    June 17, 2021 Dying clams on Hood Canal, Rocky Bay, 2019.King et al, Harmful Algae, 2021 Back in the summers of 2018 and 2019, the shellfish industry in Washington state was rocked by mass mortalities of its crops. “It was oysters, clams, cockles — all bivalve species in some bays were impacted...
  • How the Elwha Dam Removals Changed the River’s Mouth
    January 18, 2018 Read in UW News For decades, resource managers agreed that removing the two dams on the Elwha River would be a big win for the watershed as a whole and, in particular, for its anadromous trout and salmon. The dams sat on the river for more than 100 years, trapping approximately 30 m...
  • Salmon may lose the ability to smell danger as carbon emissions rise
    December 18, 2018 The ability to smell is critical for salmon. They depend on scent to avoid predators, sniff out prey and find their way home at the end of their lives when they return to the streams where they hatched to spawn and die. New research from the University of Washington and NOAA Fishe...
  • New Study: How to Save a Seabird
    In the 1990s, the endangered status of the short-tailed albatross catalyzed efforts to reduce the number of birds accidentally killed as bycatch in Alaska, home to the country’s biggest fisheries. Marine fisheries scientist Ed Melvin, at Washington Sea Grant at the University of Washington, and re...
  • Invasive green crabs poised to move to South Sound
    King5 News covered the spread of invasive European green crab in a recent article. “Since the first spotting in 2016, green crab have now been located at seven different sites. McDonald and others are worried that the crabs will get more challenging to remove if they’re able to make it t...
  • Fishing for the Triple Bottom Line: Profit, Planet — And People
    October 17, 2019 A school of Pacific herring. Fisheries managers typically strive to strike a delicate balance between two, often competing, types of needs: the needs for fishermen’s profits and the needs for the planet. But in 1994, entrepreneur John Elkington posited that true sustainability req...
  • Sea-level rise report will help urban planners
    August 9, 2018 A sea-level rise report led by Washington Sea Grant and the University of Washington’s Climate Impacts Group provides the clearest picture yet of what to expect in sea-level rise along Washington State coastlines. Coverage in the Tacoma Weekly News recognizes that the informatio...
  • Partnering with Indigenous Communities to Anticipate and Adapt to Ocean Change
    April 1, 2018 Read in UW News The productive ocean off Washington state’s Olympic Coast supports an abundant web of life including kelp forests, fish, shellfish, seabirds and marine mammals. The harvest and use of these treaty-protected marine resources have been central to the local tribes’ liv...
  • Washington Sea Grant Receives $1.1 Million in Federal Funding for Aquaculture Research
    November 3, 2017 Read in UW News Aquaculture has been a mainstay of Washington’s economy since the state’s founding, and there is still potential for more growth. Three federal grants announced this week will provide total funding of $1.1 million to Washington Sea Grant, based at the University ...
  • Using lasers to deter birds
    July 26, 2018 In 2016, Washington Sea Grant marine fisheries scientist Ed Melvin published a study on whether laser light can prevent seabird bycatch in North Pacific fisheries. Since then, Melvin has encouraged and supported researchers at Purdue Universtiy to study the risk of injuries to birds w...
  • WSG welcomes new Science Communications fellows
    Washington Sea Grant (WSG) is happy to welcome two new Science Communications fellows, Jess Davis and Brian McGreal. As part of the communications team, Jess will contribute to the WSG News Blog, monthly newsletter and social media. Brian will write for the communications team as well as focus on ev...
  • WSG Crab Team Receives 2020 Salish Sea Science Prize
    April 22, 2020 The SeaDoc Society announced Washington Sea Grant Crab Team as the 2020 winner of the Salish Sea Science Prize. The SeaDoc Society, a program of the UC Davis Karen C. Drayer Wildlife Health Center, awards the Salish Sea Science Prize every two years in recognition of scientist...
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