Search Results for "устройство и ремонт холодильника индезит ремонт холодильников королев на дому ремонт холодильников 007 спб ремонт холодильников с выездом на дом в москве ремонт холодильников промышленных в москве * 📞 Частный мастер - Звоните 89675550899 Низкие цены 📞 * ремонт холодильника индезит в казани сервис по ремонту холодильников в ставрополе ремонт холодильников в москве ясенево ремонт холодильников снайге в днепропетровске web site[/URL"

  • Fall 2016
    Fall 2016 Crab Team’s Big Discovery! August 4th, 2016 You might have heard the recent news that Crab Team volunteers captured the first confirmed European green crab in Washington’s inland waters (but if you haven’t, read our blog post)...
  • Environmental DNA (Part 4): The Vashon Island Mystery
    September 26, 2022 This is the fourth and final in a series of posts on a Crab Team project to develop environmental DNA (eDNA) for use in early detection and management of European green crab. Links to the previous posts are found in the text below. Environmental DNA (eDNA) has recently gained atte...
  • Protocol in Focus: Why do we measure European green crabs?
    November 17, 2023 We are Crab Team after all, so it’s perhaps no surprise that we are not shy about getting up to our elbows in details about the crabs we catch. But what can we actually learn from looking at size data of crabs? What makes handling all the angry pinchers worthwhile?  We’re cove...
  • Environmental DNA (Part 3): Reconciling eDNA with Traditional Detection Methods
    March 30, 2022 This is the third in a series of posts on a Crab Team project to develop environmental DNA (eDNA) for use in early detection and management of European green crab. The first posts provided an introduction to eDNA and the benefits and challenges it offers to invasion managers. In devel...
  • Director’s Note: Washington Sea Grant Successfully Completes its Quadrennial Site Review
    November 19, 2019 Russell Callender, WSG Director I’m pleased to note that Washington Sea Grant (WSG) recently completed its quadrennial external site review. This review is crucial, as the outcome will determine WSG’s eligibility to continue receiving federal funding fro...
  • Crab Team Takes Willapa Bay by Storm: Part 2
    November 8, 2016 This series of three posts was originally written in August, but was pre-empted by the news of European green crab captures on San Juan Island and in Padilla Bay. Better late than never, here are our field notes on green crab trapping in Willapa Bay during August of this year. Rea...
  • Completing the First Year of a Collaborative Removal Effort at Drayton Harbor
    December 23, 2020 One of the big successes this year was the launch of a local removal effort in Drayton Harbor. In spite of COVID, in spite of wildfire smoke, in spite of everything that 2020 had to throw at us, the collaborative management team was able to make great strides in trapping the Washin...
  • What Does the Invasion at Lummi Mean for the Salish Sea?
    December 6, 2021 The recent report by the Lummi Nation of more than 70,000 European green crabs captured this year has many wondering what this could mean for efforts to prevent green crabs from establishing in the Salish Sea. This number certainly indicates that the population of green crabs within...
  • Small Spills Aren’t Slick
    Small Spills Aren’t Slick Along with summer boating season comes an increased risk of smaller oil spills from recreational boats, which account for 75 percent of the oil dumped into local waters. The Washington Sea Grant Small Spills Prevention Program provides boaters with the knowledg...
  • Developing a DEI Committee and Action Plan Resources
    Resources for Developing a DEI Committee and Action Plan A Sea Grant Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Professional Development Webinar – 6/10/20 Developing a DEI Committee and Action Plan Webinar Sea Grant Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Professiona...
  • Crab Team at the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference
    May 31, 2022 The second all-virtual Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference (April 26-28) offered everyone with an interest or involvement in the inland waters shared by Washington and British Columbia the chance to connect over a huge range of topics, impacts of last summer’s heat dome, southern resi...
  • Ocean Acidification
    Ocean Acidification The oceans’ absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere is causing fundamental changes in seawater chemistry. CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid, which makes seawater more acidic. This process, known as ocean acidification (or OA) ha...
  • Current and Recent Fellows
    Current and Recent Fellows The following biographies of current and recent fellows provide examples of the breadth and scope of opportunities and experiences offered by WSG, National Sea Grant, and Coastal Management fellowships. Jump to: Washington Sea Grant Keystone Fellow...
  • More than just a cute face: What otters can tell us about the health of the environment
    December 27, 2022 The River Otter Project used community science to shed light on contamination in the Lower Duwamish River By Andrea Richter-Sanchez, WSG Science Communications Fellow     North American river otter. Photo by Diana Robinson. “Otters are an easy way to engage people to care abou...
  • Building Citizen Science with Volunteers as Partners: Part 3
    The field of citizen science has grown explosively over the last decade, benefitting from excellent PR, Presidential shout-outs, advances in big data, and, not least, a Web 2.0 world replete with hashtags, networks, and crowdsourcing. It turns out people love doing science in their spare time! The h...
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