Search Results for "❤️ Rencontre pour moi: ❤️ Courbes De Rencontres Exemples De Sites Web En Ligne"

  • Transmission of Harmful Algal Bloom Toxins Through the Food Web
    HAB TOXINS IN THE FOOD WEB Transmission of Harmful Algal Bloom Toxins Through the Food Web Researchers survey for domoic acid and saxitoxin in fish species that are caught in tribal commercial fisheries along the California Current. Principal Investigator Adrianne Akmajian, M...
  • Crab Team’s Rapid Response: Day 1
    September 12, 2016 Emily preps bait for trapping response on the FHL docks. Emily here, writing from beautiful Friday Harbor Labs after our first full field day on San Juan Island as part of our rapid response effort. Following the Westcott Bay Crab Team volunteer capture of an adult male green cra...
  • Protocol in Focus: Why do we measure native crabs, too?
    June 18, 2024 Why Measure Native Species? A Dungeness crab resigning itself to getting measured by a monitor at Kala Lagoon (site #204). Photo credit: Wendy Feltham When it comes to interactions between crabs, whether of the same species or of differing species, size matters. When crabs run into eac...
  • Fall 2016
    Fall 2016 Crab Team’s Big Discovery! August 4th, 2016 You might have heard the recent news that Crab Team volunteers captured the first confirmed European green crab in Washington’s inland waters (but if you haven’t, read our blog post)...
  • Trapping for European Green Crab on Whidbey Island
    October 12, 2017 The crew prepares to deploy traps at Lagoon Point. L-R Crab Team Lead, Jeff Adams; Volunteers Debra Paros, Michael Anderson, Kes Tautvydas, and Charlie Seablom. (Photo: E. Grason) Following the recent capture of a single European green crab at Lagoon Point, on Whidbey Island (read m...
  • Crab Team Takes Willapa Bay by Storm: Part 2
    November 8, 2016 This series of three posts was originally written in August, but was pre-empted by the news of European green crab captures on San Juan Island and in Padilla Bay. Better late than never, here are our field notes on green crab trapping in Willapa Bay during August of this year. Rea...
  • FAQ – 1
    General Karma WordPress Theme Can I really use a slider on any page layout?Yes. Karma now offers the ability to insert a slider on every page template. When creating a page you’ll simply use Karma’s custom ‘Slider Settings’ section of the Page Editing screen to customiz...
  • FAQ – 2
    General Can I really use a slider on any page layout?Yes. Karma now offers the ability to insert a slider on every page template. When creating a page you’ll simply use Karma’s custom ‘Slider Settings’ section of the Page Editing screen to customize and insert your Slider. W...
  • Protocol In Focus: Why do we use mackerel as bait?
    September 10, 2018 One strength of the Crab Team protocol is that it enables us to confidently compare findings among sites, and track changes over time – even if different people are doing the sampling. With sampling on this scale, even the small steps can be important to what we learn from the d...
  • Padilla Bay: In It For The Long Haul
    August 23, 2021 August 30 of this year will mark the fifth anniversary of the first confirmed detection of invasive European green crab along the inland shorelines of Washington which occurred on San Juan Island. Three weeks later, the region will hit the same milestone for the second confirmed dete...
  • Building Citizen Science With Volunteers As Partners: Part 2
    2015 was a pilot year for Crab Team monitoring. This is the second of two post in which, Natalie White, an undergraduate in the UW Program on the Environment Capstone Program, shares her work to understand the volunteer experience during our pilot year. In a third post, we’ll fill you in on ho...
  • National Safe Boating Week
    National Safe Boating Week is coordinated each year by the National Safe Boating Council and its boating safety partners across the U.S. and Canada. During the campaign, May 19 through 25, public safety professionals from around the state are increasing the emphasis on boating safety, especially lif...
  • Get Involved
    Get Involved There’s bound to be an organization near you that is working to protect salmon and salmon habitat. Explore how you can help! Peninsula-wide Puget Sound Partnership Kitsap Trees Contact: Jim Trainer 360.649.8465 Bainbridge Isla...
  • Padilla Bay Rapid Response: Day 1
    September 26, 2016 Emily here to report that Crab Team is on the road again, spending three days in Padilla Bay where the second confirmed capture of European green crab in Washington’s Salish Sea took place only a week ago. The capture occurred less than a week after we returned from San...
  • Identifying European Green Crab
    Identifying European Green Crab The best way to protect Puget Sound from invasion by the European green crab is to learn how to recognize them and report sightings. This species is often confused with several similar-looking native crabs, so it is important to know the diff...
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