kelp aquaculture

WSG Seaweed Office Hours

Drop-in office hours for all your seaweed information needs!

How to participate:

  • Zoom meeting link:
  • Join at any point during the one-hour window (no RSVP required)
  • Attendees will be served in order of arrival
  • Please stay on mute until invited to speak
  • Initial conversations will be limited to 5 minutes until everyone’s had a chance to speak
  • All conversations should be considered public, and may be recorded
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Kelp in the Kitchen: Ginger Chicken Kelp Soup

By Bobbie Buzzell, WSG Science Communications Fellow

Given the success of the kelp aquaculture webinar last month, we decided to take to the kitchen last weekend and test out a kelp noodle recipe.

Kelp noodles can be a struggle to find, and there are not many brands currently offered at local grocery stores. I was able to find Sea Tangle Noodle Company’s Kelp Noodles at Haggen. At first glance, they look like a food you would use for a Halloween gag ...

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