When purchasing seafood for dinner, frozen is fresh!
Many people are unsure about the quality of frozen fish or shellfish at the market. The good news is, freezing technology has vastly improved over the last few decades. When it comes to seafood, frozen is a great option.
The Science of Flash Freezing
“Flash freezing” is the process of quickly lowering the temperature of freshly harvested seafood.
Old technologies froze fish slowly. This caused cells inside the flesh to expand and break, which negatively affected the mouthfeel, taste, and overall fish quality.
Today, with new freezing technologies, processors are able to freeze seafood down to -42° F in six hours or less. This locks in the fresh taste, firm texture, and high quality we know and love about fresh seafood. Flash freezing limits the exposure of fatty acids to air, which in turn limits any excessive “fishy” or odd flavors, prevents spoilage, and maintains freshness.
Freezing and Sustainability
Commercial fisheries in the United States are carefully managed by state, tribal and federal agencies to ensure a sustainable harvest. Some commercial fisheries are open for harvest only during certain times of year. This helps to maintain sustainable population levels and protect critical environments.
Freezing seafood extends its shelf-life, allowing consumers to enjoy seasonal species year-round
Tips for Choosing High-Quality Frozen Seafood
- Avoid packaging with visible ice crystals or damage.
- Select seafood that is completely frozen and rigid—nothing stored properly should bend.
- Transport frozen seafood with ice packs to keep it at a consistent temperature.
- Store seafood in a freezer set to -10°F or colder and avoid leaving the freezer door open for extended periods.
Thawing and Cooking Frozen Seafood
For best results, thaw seafood in the refrigerator before cooking. However, many types of seafood can be cooked directly from frozen, making meal preparation faster and more convenient.
By choosing frozen seafood, consumers can enjoy high-quality, sustainable seafood while reducing food waste and ensuring year-round availability. Thanks to modern freezing methods, frozen truly is fresh!
Explore more frozen seafood resources:
- Can freshness be frozen? Learn from local food writer Nancy Leson why there really isn’t a debate when it comes to fresh vs. frozen seafood
- Benefits of Frozen Seafood flyer
- Benefits of Frozen Seafood bookmark

Salmon fillet with herbs – Photo courtesy of Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association
Washington Sea Grant, based at the University of Washington, helps people and marine life thrive through research, technical expertise and education supporting the responsible use and conservation of coastal ecosystems. Washington Sea Grant is one of 34 Sea Grant programs supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in coastal and Great Lakes states that encourage the wise stewardship of our marine resources through research, education, outreach and technology transfer.
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