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  • Crab Team Takes Willapa Bay by Storm: Part 3
    November 15, 2016 This series of three posts was originally written in August, but was pre-empted by the news of European green crab captures on San Juan Island and in Padilla Bay. Better late than never, here are our field notes on green crab trapping in Willapa Bay during August of this year. Re...
  • Gear, Not Geoducks, Impacts Ecosystem If Farming Increases
    October 25, 2015 The equipment used to farm geoducks, including PVC pipes and nets, might have a greater impact on the Puget Sound food web than the addition of the clams themselves. That’s one of the findings of the first major scientific study to examine the broad, long-term ecosystem effect...
  • Building Capacity to Protect the Salish Sea From European Green Crab
     July 5th, 2018 As we wrote last week, the first half of this monitoring season has seen several new detections of European green crab, but as green crab appear to be ramping up, so is the group of humans ready to control them. WSG Crab Team is now a project with five team members (including two fu...
  • Completing the First Year of a Collaborative Removal Effort at Drayton Harbor
    December 23, 2020 One of the big successes this year was the launch of a local removal effort in Drayton Harbor. In spite of COVID, in spite of wildfire smoke, in spite of everything that 2020 had to throw at us, the collaborative management team was able to make great strides in trapping the Washin...
  • Conservation Needs to be About People, Too
    NEWS RELEASE JUNE 21, 2017   CONTACT: Melissa Poe, Social Scientist, Washington Sea Grant at 206-685-8209 or email   Conservation Needs to be About People, Too   The book Conservation in the Anthropocene Ocean is an interdisciplinary guide for reframing conservati...
  • European green crab found in Port Townsend area
    September 25, 2018 The Kala “Krabbers” with European green crab. From back row, left to right: Wendy Feltham, Chris Jones, Lee Merill, Eileen Cooney, Katherine Jensen. Photo: Chris Jones WSG Crab Team volunteers at Kala Point, near Port Townsend, captured a single European green crab dur...
  • Sea Levels are Rising in Washington. What will the Shorelines of the Future be like?
    July 22, 2022 A new report from the Washington Coastal Resilience Project evaluates the trade-offs between various strategies to manage the impacts of sea level rise As sea levels continue to rise, coastal hazards such as flooding and erosion will become increasingly common. According to recent asse...
  • A Career Saving Seabirds
    From the autumn 2019 Sea Star print newsletter Looking back on the work of marine fisheries scientist Ed Melvin upon his retirement “I’ve never had an ornithology class in my life,” Ed Melvin confides on a sunny afternoon sitting by Seattle’s Portage Bay. For anyone familiar with Me...
  • Under High Water
    Under High Water Washington Sea Grant helps citizens and coastal planners understand what sea-level rise means for their communities Visit Seattle’s Golden Gardens park on a sunny summer day, and you’re likely to find a crowd of happy-go-lucky locals playing on the beach and enjoying the specta...
  • Scandinavian Pickled Herring Bites
    September 30, 2022 By Olivia Horwedel, WSG Science Communications Fellow For this week’s sustainable seafood recipe, we are highlighting herring, a fish that is often underutilized in seafood dishes. These pickled herring bites are influenced by the flavors of Scandinavia that have made their way ...
  • Effect of Salmon Omega-3 Fatty Acids on PBDE Toxicity
    Omega-3 fatty acids and PBDE toxicity in fish Effect of Salmon Omega-3 Fatty Acids on PBDE Toxicity Exploring the interaction between harmful PBDEs and helpful omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, researchers assessed the health risks and benefits of eating seafood. Results showed that anti...
  • Hama Hama Oyster Rama
    Hama Hama Oyster Rama Head on out to Hood Canal for the 4th Hama Hama Oyster Rama to benefit the Hood Canal School Education Foundation. Events include sampling different kinds of oysters and talks on topics ranging from species to seasonality. Contact the Hama Hama store at 888.877.5844 for fur...
  • Coaches/Teams
    Prospective Orca Bowl Coaches and Teams   How to Form a Team Orca Bowl teams traditionally consist of teams of four to five high school students (four competitors and one alternate) and an adult coach. Please review NOSB’s eligibility rules below to ensure that your team qualifies to...
  • Septic Care Workshop for Homeowners
    Snohomish County is offering a FREE Septic Care Workshop for homeowners in July of 2021. This workshop will help you: • Understand and protect your system • Avoid expensive repairs • Learn about septic care rebates, grants and affordable loans • Learn when to hire and work with septic profes...
  • Webinar Series – Fishery Ecosystem Plan Initiative on Climate and Communities
    Notice of Public Webinar Series Webinar Series on Ecosystem Climate and Communities to be held in January-February 2018 The Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) is sponsoring a series of webinars presenting information relevant to the Fishery Ecosystem Plan Initiative on Climate and Communi...
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