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  • Update from Interim Director on Sea Grant Funding in 2019
    May 2018 Dear Friends, With vocal support from our many stakeholders, the National Sea Grant College Program was reinstated this past spring in the federal budget for FY2018.The FY18 Appropriations Omnibus Bill was passed by Congress and signed by the President in late March, which is encouraging ne...
  • Washington Sea Grant will lead collaborative research to model southwest estuaries and advance climate resilience in coastal communities
    August 12, 2024 Eelgrass in Willapa Bay. Photo by Jackson Blalock. Washington Sea Grant (WSG) is excited to have a project selected for funding through the Climate and Fisheries Adaptation (CAFA) program, a partnership between NOAA Research Climate Program Office and the NOAA Fisheries Office of Sci...
  • Effects of Ocean Acidification on Trophically Important Crustacean Zooplankton of Washington State
    Acidification effects on crustacean zooplankton Effects of Ocean Acidification on Trophically Important Crustacean Zooplankton of Washington State Researchers quantified the differential growth and survival rates in acidified waters of zooplankton species that are fundamental to the marine ...
  • A Career Saving Seabirds
    From the autumn 2019 Sea Star print newsletter Looking back on the work of marine fisheries scientist Ed Melvin upon his retirement “I’ve never had an ornithology class in my life,” Ed Melvin confides on a sunny afternoon sitting by Seattle’s Portage Bay. For anyone familiar with Me...
  • COVID-19 Resources for Shellfish Industry
    COVID-19 Resources for Shellfish Industry Updated 12/10/2020 Washington Sea Grant (WSG) is closely monitoring the outbreak of the novel coronavirus — which causes the disease known as COVID-19 — and is making every possible effort to address the changing needs of the local shellfish aqu...
  • Aquaculture Timeline
    Washington Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Timeline Welcome to the Washington Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Timeline. This project is part of the Washington Coast Shellfish Aquaculture Study project, which is an effort to improve the long-term sustainability of shellfish aquaculture in Willa...
  • 2019 Volume 1
    2019 Volume 1 The “Team” in Crab Team June 3, 2019 It’s difficult to believe, but Washington Sea Grant Crab Team has officially launched our fifth year of monitoring. It’s easy for us to reflect on the number of green crab, monitoring...
  • Seven Recent Graduates Selected for the 2022–2023 WSG Hershman Fellowship
    September 28, 2022 Congratulations to our new WSG Hershman Fellows! We are pleased to announce that recent graduates Grace Adams, Abigail Ames, Monea Kerr, Kathryn Loy, Jenna Rolf, Harshitha Sai Viswanathan and Olivia Zimmerman have been awarded the Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship for 2022...
  • Invasive Green Crab Found at Dungeness Spit
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 26, 2017 Contact: MaryAnn Wagner, Washington Sea Grant, 206-616-6353, Allen Pleus, Aquatic Invasive Species Unit Lead, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, 360-902-2724, Lorenz Sollmann, Deputy Project Leader, U.S. Fish &...
  • European Green Crab
    Invasive European Green Crab The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) is a small shore crab whose native distribution is in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea, ranging along coasts from northern Africa to Norway and Iceland. The crab is an effective predator, adept at opening biva...
  • 2023 Volume 1
    2023 Volume 1 Crabbing Is A Team Sport November, 2023 Since Washington declared an emergency related to the European green crab invasion nearly two years ago, managers and scientists have dramatically grown state capacity to understand and control green crab...
  • The Port of Port Townsend’s new pumpout unit models an innovative design to help keep our waters clean
    October 3, 2023 Port Townsend is getting a clean water boost with a new solar-powered pumpout unit that will help provide more options for boaters to properly dispose of their sewage. The unit was commissioned by the Port of Port Townsend and built by the nearby Northwest School of Wooden BoatBuildi...
  • Sea School
    WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Sea School An initiative to provide vocational training for maritime careers. Principal Investigator Brandi Bednarik, Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Co-Principal Investigators Caitlin Stanton, Operations Director, Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Hali Boyd, Social ...
  • Ocean Acidification Outreach, Presentations, Webinars
    Meg Chadsey, Ocean Acidification Specialist WSG has responded to the governor’s Washington State Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Acidification by offering print and online outreach materials on acidification, conducting frequent public presentations, and working with NOAA to produce monthly webinars...
  • Plenty of Plankton: Junior Ecologists
    Join Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in the monthly online class for kids, Junior Ecologists. This month is focused on plankton. They’re tiny but powerful! Peer through our microscope and learn about the plankton of Padilla Bay in this online class. Register here for the link t...
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