
Kelp in the Kitchen: Ginger Chicken Kelp Soup

By Bobbie Buzzell, WSG Science Communications Fellow

Given the success of the kelp aquaculture webinar last month, we decided to take to the kitchen last weekend and test out a kelp noodle recipe.

Kelp noodles can be a struggle to find, and there are not many brands currently offered at local grocery stores. I was able to find Sea Tangle Noodle Company’s Kelp Noodles at Haggen. At first glance, they look like a food you would use for a Halloween gag ...

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Kelp in the Kitchen: Crowd-Pleasin’ Kelp Cucumber Salad

November 27, 2019

Looking for an ingredient to change up holiday meals? Kelp is sustainable and eco-friendly food that can be incorporated in everyday cooking. With availability spreading, it’s not just limited to high-end restaurants.

Try this simple recipe from Maine Island Institute.

Crowd-Pleasin’ Kelp Cucumber Salad

  • 2-3 medium cucumbers, julienned
  • 3 oz rehydrated* kelp, cut into 2 inch lengths
  • 6 tbs rice vinegar
  • 2 tbs toasted sesame oil
  • 2 tbs tamari or soy sauce
  • 2 tsp fresh grated ginger
  • ¼ cup lightly toasted sesame seeds

*To rehydrate dried kelp, ...

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Sally Brownfield: People of the Water

November 27, 2019

Washington Sea Grant is a proud sponsor of We Are Puget Sound: Discovering & Recovering the Salish Sea, a new book by David L. Workman, Leonard Forsman, Mindy Roberts and Brian J. Cantwell from Braided River (an imprint of Mountaineers Books). The following profile is an excerpt from the book.

Sally Brownfield is a soft-spoken, strong Puget Sound woman. For all ...

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NOAA National Sea Grant Awards Washington Sea Grant Over 1 Million in Aquaculture Grants

September 19, 2019


NOAA National Sea Grant office announced today a suite of federal funding awards in aquaculture, with three of them going to Washington Sea Grant. The four awards, totaling $1,980,133, will support aquaculture research projects and collaborative programs aimed at advancing sustainable aquaculture in the U.S. The awards begin this fall and extend over three years.

Washington Sea Grant will lead the three projects, with key staff coordinating ...

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Research Partnership Studies Marine Life Around Puget Sound Aquaculture Beds

April 23, 2019

How does shellfish aquaculture interact with Puget Sound’s marine life? A collaborative research partnership between Washington Sea Grant, The Nature Conservancy, NOAA, the Jamestown S’Klallam tribe, and local shellfish growers hopes to find out.

Using mounted cameras, the researchers hope to identify the species and life stages of marine organisms that use aquaculture beds around Puget Sound. Read the article here.

GoPro cameras were deployed around different aquaculture structures. This photo shows the cameras deployed at ...</p><a class= Read More


WSG celebrates Seafood Month

October, 2018

This month, Washington Sea Grant joins in on Seafood Month celebrations with weekly stories from our programs that support fisheries, aquaculture and the people who are at the center of them.

Week One: Fisheries and People 

The theme of the week is fisheries and people. Read about WSG’s partnership with Olympic Coast tribes to study their social and ecological vulnerabilities to ocean acidification: 

Week Two: Seafood Safety

In honor of this week’s theme – seafood safety – read about the ...

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Sustainable shellfish aquaculture in Washington

September 27, 2018

As demand for seafood continues to increase, how can we sustainalby grow Washington’s shellfish farming industry? If more tideland is used for aquaculture, can it still serve as habitat for intertidal species? With funding from Washington Sea Grant, The Nature Conservancy in Washington is investigating these questions.

Learn more:


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SeaFeast Festival Connects Community to Fishing Industry

October 1, 2016

“When we appreciate and understand all of the benefits of our locally produced seafood, we’ll be motivated to ensure that future generations can enjoy them as well.”– Deb Granger, SeaFeast General Manager

The first inaugural SeaFeast event in Bellingham aimed to introduce the community to the thriving, but little-known seafood industry and culture of Bellingham Bay.

To that end, organizers of Bellingham SeaFeast 2016 unveiled a variety of events, including seafood sampling, boat rides on Bellingham Bay, cooking demonstrations, contests and ...

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Governor Launches 2nd Phase of Washington Shellfish Initiative

January 20, 2016

Governor Jay Inslee announced the second phase of the Washington Shellfish Initiative, a partnership of local, state, and federal partners from government, business, tribes, and nonprofit groups. The Initiative’s efforts to tackle pollution in Puget Sound and coastal waters have successfully led to the reopening of shellfish beds and, through a new shellfish restoration hatchery, native shellfish restoration efforts are growing. Washington’s $184 million shellfish industry supports approximately 2,700 jobs.

Leaders from the partnership convened at the National Fish & ...

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Gear, Not Geoducks, Impacts Ecosystem If Farming Increases

October 25, 2015

The equipment used to farm geoducks, including PVC pipes and nets, might have a greater impact on the Puget Sound food web than the addition of the clams themselves.

That’s one of the findings of the first major scientific study to examine the broad, long-term ecosystem effects of geoduck aquaculture in Puget Sound, published in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea’s Journal of Marine Science.

The study also found that under one scenario, geoduck farming ...

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