Ocean Learning

UW Graduate Student Selected for the 2022 NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowship

August 23, 2022

We are pleased to announce that Kristin Privitera-Johnson (she/her), a doctoral student at the University of Washington School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (UW SAFS), is one of eight fellows selected for the 2022 National Marine Fisheries Service-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Program.

Kristin is originally from California, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in marine ...

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Four Recent Graduates Announced as Finalists for John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship

Updated February 3, 2023

We are pleased to announce that three recent graduate students — Mitchell G. Hebner, Caroline Potter, Kelsey Rudes and Jacquelyn Shaff — were selected as finalists for the 2023 class of the prestigious John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program.

Since 1979, the National Sea Grant College Program has provided one-year fellowships working within federal government offices in Washington, D.C. to over 1,400 early-career professionals. Legislative fellows typically spend their time learning about marine-related policy ...

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Tesla STEM Students Win Statewide Orca Bowl Competition

March 31, 2022

The “junior olympics of marine science” in the Northwest

On March 26, 2022, 12 teams from across Washington state met in the University of Washington Fisheries Sciences Building to compete in the twenty-fifth rendition of the beloved Orca Bowl competition. These students brought a wealth of marine knowledge in the hopes of making it to the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB) finals, which will be held virtually this year from May 6 to 15.

The students from Tesla STEM High ...

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WSG Education Specialist Maile Sullivan Wins Johnette D. Bosarge Memorial Award

October 15, 2021

Congratulations to Maile Sullivan, Washington Sea Grant education specialist, for receiving the 2021 Johnette D. Bosarge Memorial Award at the National Marine Educators Association (NMEA) Conference. This award honors service and dedication to NMEA, and loyalty, efficiency and enthusiasm for marine and aquatic education.

As stated in her award nomination letter, Maile has shown leadership by developing lasting education programs that ...

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Five UW Graduates Selected for the 2021–2022 WSG Hershman Fellowship

September 2, 2021

We are pleased to announce that recent University of Washington (UW) graduates Allison Lu, Corinne Noufi, Katie Byrnes, Katie Shelledy and Natalie Lowell have been awarded the Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship for 2021-2022. This fellowship places highly motivated, qualified individuals with marine and coastal host offices throughout Washington, providing fellows with a unique perspective on building marine policy and allowing them to share their academic expertise with the host offices.

This year’s host offices are the Northwest Seaport Alliance, Puget ...

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Planet Ocean Teaches Middle Grade Readers How to Speak Up For The Sea

March 31, 2021

We are thrilled to announce the release of Planet Ocean, a nonfiction book for middle-grade readers (ages 8 and up) written with an underwater perspective about how climate change and pollution affect the sustainability of our sea. In addition to some cool science, Planet Ocean readers discover our unbreakable connection to the sea. Writer Patricia Newman and diver/photographer Annie Crawley give voice to stories from inspirational scientists, Indigenous peoples, and kids and teens impacted by ocean changes and working to combat them.

Meg Chadsey, ...

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Cruisin’ the Fossil Coastline Virtual Opening Celebration

January 12, 2020

In case you missed it, here’s the recording for Cruisin’ the Fossil Coastline Virtual Opening Celebration from the Burke Museum, a special exhibit opening sponsored by Washington Sea Grant. Learn how artist Ray Troll and curator Dr. Kirk Johnson created a lifelong friendship and partnership that over the past decades has led to a brand new exhibit on view at the Burke Museum.

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UW Graduate Selected as New WSG Keystone Fellow

October 13, 2020

Washington Sea Grant (WSG) is excited to announce that University of Washington graduate Andres Sheikh has been selected as the 2020–2021 WSG Keystone Fellow. Through the fellowship, he will spend the year working at the Puget Sound Partnership. He started his position earlier this month.

Launched last year, the WSG Keystone Fellowship seeks to build pathways into marine science, policy and related industry careers for individuals who are historically underrepresented in those fields. This paid fellowship offers a unique ...

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Four UW Graduates Selected for the 2020–2021 WSG Hershman Fellowship

September 10, 2020

We are pleased to announce that Henry Bell, Emily Buckner, Elise Lasky and Dorothy Mulkern have been awarded the Washington Sea Grant Hershman Fellowship for 2020-2021. This fellowship places highly motivated, qualified individuals with marine and coastal host offices throughout Washington, providing fellows with a unique perspective on building marine policy and allowing them to share their academic expertise with the host offices.

This year’s host offices include the Washington State Department of Ecology, the Pacific Northwest Crab Research ...

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