WSG News Blog

Researchers Discover Yessotoxins, Produced by Certain Phytoplankton, to be a Culprit Behind Summer Mass Shellfish Mortality Events in Washington

June 17, 2021

Back in the summers of 2018 and 2019, the shellfish industry in Washington state was rocked by mass mortalities of its crops.

“It was oysters, clams, cockles — all bivalve species in some bays were impacted,” said Teri King, aquaculture and marine water quality specialist at Washington Sea Grant based at the University of Washington. “They were dying, and nobody knew why.”

Now, King and partners from NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Northwest ...

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Cool Critters: Giant Pink Sea Star

June 8, 2021

Welcome to our Cool Critters series, where Marine Ecologist Jeff Adams shares the unique features of his favorite marine animals native to the Pacific Northwest. Today’s Cool Critter is the Giant Pink Sea Star!

The Giant Pink Sea Star (Pisaster brevispinus) is one of the largest and heaviest sea stars in the world, and is possibly the prettiest pink the Pacific. This sea star can dig, and then stretch its ...

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Cool Critters: Aquatic Caterpillar

May 28, 2021

Welcome to our Cool Critters series, where Marine Ecologist Jeff Adams shares the unique features of his favorite marine animals native to the Pacific Northwest. Today’s Cool Critter is the Aquatic Caterpillar!

The Aquatic Caterpillar (Petrophila), also known as the Petrophila Moth, are generally found attached to rocks in warmer rivers and streams. The silken scabs harbor the caterpillars and chrysalises that are ...

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WSG Student Assistant Abby Rogerson Honored as a Husky 100

May 26, 2021

We are proud to announce that Abby Rogerson, a student assistant at Washington Sea Grant, has been chosen as a Husky 100 at the University of Washington! The Husky 100 recognizes undergraduate and graduate students who apply what they learn in the classroom to make a difference on campus and in their community. Abby was selected from over 1,700 nominations ...

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Cool Critters: Tiger Beetle

May 21, 2021

Welcome to our Cool Critters series, where Marine Ecologist Jeff Adams shares the unique features of his favorite marine animals native to the Pacific Northwest. Today’s Cool Critter is the Tiger Beetle!

The Tiger Beetle (Cicindelinae) is brilliantly colored and get their name of ‘tiger’ from their fierce appearance with their protruding eyes and large mandibles. They are shoreline ...

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New Indigenous Aquaculture Website

May 20, 2021

The Cross-Pacific Indigenous Aquaculture Collaborative has launched a new website to inform and bring communities together to enhance and grow sustainable coastal food systems. 

Visit the website here!

Did you know that Hawaiian fish ponds once produced 400-600 pounds of fish per acre each year? Sustainable indigenous aquaculture has endured for millennia, and these systems will continue to unite ecosystems and cultures, as well as expand our food connections throughout the Pacific.

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Looking Back on 50 Years: WSG Safety Training

May 14, 2021

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Washington Sea Grant, we’re digging through our photo archive to share moments from our program’s history throughout the coming year. Here is a photo from 1979 of one of WSG’s marine safety and first aid trainings, where the participants are practicing cold-water rescue. WSG helps Washington fishermen reduce risks ...

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New Video: Swinomish Community Visits a Clam Garden

April 28, 2021

“Our coast Salish people had methods of cultivating the natural environment to support the ecosystems but also to feed the people,” says Alana Quintasket, senator for the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community. “And a clam garden is one example of that.” However, clam gardens have been dormant for hundreds of years in many of places that they used to exist. The Swinomish Indian Tribal Community is currently working toward reviving the ancient mariculture practice in modern-day Washington.

Not only does this ...

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Cool Critters: Cascades Frog

May 14, 2021

Welcome to our Cool Critters series, where Marine Ecologist Jeff Adams shares the unique features of his favorite marine animals native to the Pacific Northwest. Today’s Cool Critter is the Cascades Frog!

The Cascades Frog (Rana cascadae) is one of the five native frogs of the Salish Sea. The Cascades frog generally lives above 2,000 feet up in the Cascade Range and Olympic Mountains, sporting yellow underpants and eyes directed more ...

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Cool Critters: Purple Shore Crab

April 17, 2021

Welcome to our Cool Critters series, where Marine Ecologist Jeff Adams shares the unique features of his favorite marine animals native to the Pacific Northwest. Today’s Cool Critter is the Purple Shore Crab!


The Purple Shore Crab (Hemigrapsus nudus) is a small (<2″), hairless crab common among larger rocks. When you pick up beach rocks, these crabs can often be seen scuttling quickly away. They prefer to be high on the ...

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Cool Critters: Heermann’s Gull

April 17, 2021

Welcome to our Cool Critters series, where Marine Ecologist Jeff Adams shares the unique features of his favorite marine animals native to the Pacific Northwest. Today’s Cool Critter is the Heerrmann Gull!










Heermann’s Gulls (Larus heermanni) are named after early frontier naturalist Adolphus Heermann. They are probably the easiest gull to identify in North America due to their deep ...

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Cool Critters

April 15, 2021

Welcome to our new Cool Critters Series, where Marine Ecologist Jeff Adams shares the unique features of his favorite marine animals native to the Pacific Northwest! Follow along each week to learn about a new Cool Critter! Information will be shared about the species, such as where they live, what they eat, and identifying characteristics!

Dungeness crab at Pysht. Photo courtesy of Kelly Martin. Read More

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