WSG News Blog

New Video: King Tides Are Here

December 14, 2020

In a typical year, we would invite the public to join us at a king tides viewing party this week to learn about the highest tides of the year, and what they can teach us about sea level rise. We all know that this is not a typical year. Instead, we invite you to learn about king tides from Bridget Trosin, WSG coastal policy specialist, in the video below.

Learn more and see the calendar of when king tides ...

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Washington Sea Grant Received Four Grants from the Habitat Strategic Initiative in 2020

December 10, 2020

WSG awarded grants for Green Shores for Homes, Sea Level Rise Exposure, Shoreline Monitoring Toolbox, and Green Crab Projects for a total of $1.15 million. 

The National Estuary Program (NEP) is a place-based initiative to protect and restore the water quality and ecological integrity of estuaries of national significance. Earlier this year, the Puget Sound NEP Habitat Strategic Initiative Read More

New Report: Puget Sound Marine Waters See Effect of Climate Change in 2019

December 9, 2020

Post shared from Puget Sound Partnership:

A new report details the effects of a changing climate on Puget Sound in 2019, and documents how these changes moved through the ecosystem to affect marine life and seafood consumers.

Scientists observed unusually warm water temperatures in 2019, though not as warm as during the years of “the Blob” marine heatwave of 2014-2016. Salinity was generally higher than normal throughout the Puget ...

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Head Outdoors This Holiday Season to Witness King Tides and Help Build a Picture of the Future

November 23, 2020 

The MyCoast app allows you to instantly share photos of the season’s biggest tides

King tides, the annual extreme-high tides that occur whenever the moon is closest to Earth, are a dramatic feature of Washington winters – and offer a glimpse of what our future in Western Washington may look like as sea levels rise. This holiday season provides a great opportunity for people to capture these extreme tides and help scientists assemble a preview of shorelines to come. ...

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Harmonizing with my Roots

November 20, 2020

Melissa Watkinson reflects on her Indigenous heritage and her new role at Washington Sea Grant

By Melissa Watkinson, Equity, Access and Community Engagement Lead

Heartbeats thump to the rhythm of the collective drum that echoes throughout downtown Seattle. Voices call, respond, and sing in unison. Tired feet lift up, taking long strides that are motivated by the need to move to the erupting sounds that rise along the winding concrete. Words roaring from our bellies, harmonizing with the ...

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