WSG News Blog

WSG, Washington CoastSavers and partners awarded funding to tackle marine debris

April 21, 2023

The partners will receive $299,965 through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to lead collaborative marine debris efforts in coastal Washington 

Marine debris is a persistent issue in Washington, as trash enters the ocean and threatens the health of ecosystems. Washington Sea Grant, together with the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, and Washington CoastSavers have been awarded $299,965 from the National Sea Grant Marine Debris Community Action Coalitions ...

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New Staff: WSG Welcomes Chandler Countryman

April 3, 2023

We are thrilled to welcome Chandler Countryman as the new resilience and adaptation specialist at Washington Sea Grant.

In this role, Chandler works with communities in the South Puget Sound area and along Washington’s coast to advance efforts related to coastal hazards and climate resilience by gathering local knowledge and perspectives, identifying community priorities, and connecting local efforts to ...

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New Staff: WSG Welcomes Michele Blanchflower

April 3, 2023

Michele Blanchflower joined Washington Sea Grant in March 2023. In her new role as the fiscal specialist supervisor, she supports administrative and fiscal functions, assisting with coordination, planning, reconciliation, forecasting, procurement, and executing direct services for WSG.

She acts as an intradepartmental liaison for internal wide communication with external stakeholders.

Michele studied small business management at the University of Massachusetts ...

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WSG helps partners handshake on ocean shipping lanes solution

March 29, 2023

The Columbia River Crab Fishermen’s Association presented an award to Jenna Keeton, Washington Sea Grant Fisheries Specialist, for her skillful approach to supporting stakeholder engagement


It started in another century when towboats ran over crab pots, tangling their propellers in buoys and lines.

Both towboat operators and crabbers knew an agreement was needed to keep their gear intact. For 50 years they maintained an orderly understanding in occupying their separate businesses in the greater, shared ocean space. Then Washington Sea ...

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Meet Emma Duckworth, Undergraduate Science Communications Fellow

March 16, 2023 

My name is Emma Duckworth and I am grateful for the opportunity to be Washington Sea Grant’s undergraduate science communication fellow for the spring of 2023. I grew up in Livermore, California, a small town in the Bay Area about an hour from the coast. Spending much of my childhood outdoors and traveling to the ocean, I quickly developed a love for nature and an interest in environmentalism. ...

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Sea Gardens Across the Pacific in Signals Magazine

March 15, 2023

screen shot of cover of signals magazine article. photo shows an ancient clam garden in British Columbia. Indigenous peoples have been stewarding the ocean for thousands of years. This stewardship has appeared in many different forms around the world, all of which represent a reciprocal relationship between humans and the sea rooted in deep place-based knowledge. From ...

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WSG receives $1.59 million to boost Puget Sound habitat

March 6, 2023

The two WSG-led projects selected for funding will focus on sea level rise vulnerability and managing invasive European green crab

Two projects led by Washington Sea Grant (WSG) will receive a total of $1.59 million through the Puget Sound National Estuary Program’s Habitat Strategic Initiative, a partnership between Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington Department of Natural Resources. The WSG-led projects will focus on sea level rise vulnerability ...

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New Staff: Sydney Fishman

February 28, 2023

We are thrilled to welcome Sydney Fishman as a coastal management specialist at Washington Sea Grant.

In this role, Sydney helps shoreline and coastal decision-makers find solutions to their complex management issues. Her work spans the broad areas of shoreline management, shoreline stabilization and coastal resilience.

She fosters a shoreline management community of practice in western Washington with networking, outreach, ...

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New video: Seaweed farming in Washington waters

February 7, 2023

Meg Chadsey, WSG carbon specialist, talks with two emerging seaweed farmers on Vashon Island who have different approaches

By Andrea Richter-Sanchez, WSG Science Communications Fellow

Kelp aquaculture has many potential benefits to society. For example, it can provide habitat for marine life, decrease erosion along shorelines, absorb excess carbon dioxide and nutrients from the water, and provide food for local communities. As of now there is only one open water commercial seaweed farm in Washington — but the state ...

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New Staff: WSG Welcomes Lisa Watkins

February 1, 2023

We are thrilled to welcome Lisa Watkins as the new community science specialist for the Crab Team at Washington Sea Grant.

Lisa coordinates WSG Crab Team’s volunteer monitoring network, which collects detection data on the invasive European green crab across Washington’s Coastal and Puget Sound regions. She aims to ...

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Who brings your seafood to you? An interview with John Alto and Amy Sharp, a couple who work on their own commercial salmon troller

January 26, 2023

The power couple reflected on how, for them, fishing is a craft that is passed down through generations and rooted in community

By Andrea Richter-Sanchez, WSG Science Communications Fellow

They say nothing brings people together better than good company over a warm home-cooked meal, and that story was no different for John Alto and Amy Sharp. John, a troller fisherman, one day got a call from a friend inviting him over to a troller family dinner. Troller vessels generally fit ...

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More than just a cute face: What otters can tell us about the health of the environment

December 27, 2022

The River Otter Project used community science to shed light on contamination in the Lower Duwamish River

By Andrea Richter-Sanchez, WSG Science Communications Fellow


“Otters are an easy way to engage people to care about the environment. If there is one thing that almost everyone can agree on, it’s how cute otters are,” says Michelle Wainstein, a conservation biologist and lead of Otter Spotter at the Woodland Park ...

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